The Best Calling Plan

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The Best Calling Plan

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The Best Calling Plan

MP4 Video - 720p (66.42 MB)
MP3 Audio (804.81 KB)

Are you in need of a new phone plan? The best instant communication tool is available.



[Steve Myers] How's your calling plan? A friend of mine was telling me about a plan that he had given a cell phone to his granddaughter. And he ended up giving her this phone – he had reminded her it was for emergencies, because she was a young girl, like eight years old, and he wanted her to have contact in case there was ever an emergency or a problem – maybe if missed a school bus, whatever it might be – that she could contact him, and he could come and take care of her and watch over her. And so he'd given her this cell phone and it had – it actually had a good plan on it, where she had unlimited calling, just in case. Well, after a while, he had never received a call from her – which, in one way, was a good thing. There was never an emergency. But the little girl had never realized that she could use it to call for things that weren't an emergency. I got to thinking about that a little bit.

You know, what kind of call plan do you have?

I think of the spiritual side of things, that God's given us the ultimate calling plan. He's given us the ultimate gift. He hasn't just given us a cell phone. You know, He gives us His spirit. He gives us grace. He gives us His love and His mercy. He's given us the best possible plan that you could ever hope for. And if you think about it in those terms, it is a free gift. And we have that opportunity to communicate freely with God anytime we want. And He always picks up.

In fact, there's a passage that's in the psalms – it's in Psalm 66, and all the way, right near the end of that chapter in verse 19. And it says, "Certainly God has heard me, and He has attended the voice of my prayer" (Psalm 66:19).

So like my friend, God's given us a free gift, but a whole lot better than a cell phone. This is a gift that we can communicate – it's a gift that, the towers never drop out, you never miss the calls. He's always there. He can hear us now. He always can hear us. And it's unlimited plan – unlimited in every single way. So it's something I think we should be reminded of.

Next time you pick up your phone, next time maybe you look at your smart phone or you look at the messages, think about talking to God. Think about a closer relationship with Him. It is God's gift to us to freely communicate with Him. And so let's do that very thing. Because after all, there's never a busy signal.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.