BOGO - With God There's More

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BOGO - With God There's More

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BOGO - With God There's More

MP4 Video - 720p (36.17 MB)
MP3 Audio (556.55 KB)

When you're faced with challenges, God gives us the best help.



[Steve Myers] Good bargain shoppers know the term BOGO. It means buy one, get one. So normally you get one free if you buy one. So that’s something you really want to look for when you’re shopping for a bargain.

Now, I don’t know if you realize it or not, but the Psalm that kind of ties in with this concept of buy one, get one. It’s in Psalm 46 right at the very beginning of that passage. And it says something amazing that tells us the blessings that we receive when we have a great relationship with God. Here’s what it says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).  You see we get two for one when it comes to a right relationship with God.

First of all it tells us He’s our refuge. In other words when there’s difficulties, when there’s struggles, when there’s challenges, we can run to God for protection. We can run to Him like a shelter. We can run to Him and He’s going to be our sanctuary, our safe haven. And sometimes life brings us situations that we need God’s guidance. When we have a challenge, when we have a trouble, when we have a difficulty, when we have life to grapple with, we can run to the shelter of God. He’s there for us. He’s our safe haven.

But you know with God it doesn’t stop there. We get an extra one. We also get the blessing of strength. And that doesn’t mean that just God is our strength, which of course He is, but also the fact that He gives us strength to help bear up when we have the challenges of life. That we can handle these things because the strength that God gives us. So when we’re in distress, when we’re faced with challenges, He is a help that will never leave us. He’ll always be there for us. In fact there is no better help. He’s a very present help. He’s always there for us no matter what, and He’ll give us the strength in order to handle whatever situation life may bring.

So remember that’s the kind of God we’ve got. We not only have a God that’s our refuge, but He is our strength. So as a bargain shopper there’s no better hope than to place our hope in our awesome God. That’s BT Daily. We’ll see you next time.