"A Date to Replace Christmas"

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"A Date to Replace Christmas"

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"A Date to Replace Christmas"

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Learning that Christmas is unlawful to God leaves many looking for a specific day they can celebrate Christ. Discover the answer in this episode of BT Daily.


[Darris McNeely] I did a recent blog about Christmas and why it is that people are not able to fully obey what God teaches about His Festivals and, of course, the phenomenon of Christmas. One of our readers wrote a response. I had, actually, quite a bit of response to that blog.

But an individual – well-meaning, well-intentioned, who is certainly tied into Christmas and has a deep emotional feeling about the day – wrote me and took exception to what I said. And one of his comments in his letter caught my attention. They said that they felt threatened at my insistence that people stop keeping Christmas. To quote, “Nobody can give me a date to replace it,” meaning Christmas. “Nobody can give me a date to replace Christmas.” That comment caught my attention. Well, I thought, “Yes, I can. I can give you and anyone a date to replace Christmas.” Let’s try this on for size.

How about the weekly Sabbath day? The seventh day, the commanded assembly that is embedded within the fourth commandment of the ten, that says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” That day, every week, replaces Christmas for the the biblically-sanctioned, biblically-oriented Holy Day that is far more important, far more meaningful, and honors Jesus Christ far more than December 25th can.

Why? Because of what Christ Himself said in Mark 2:27-28. The Jews were upset with Him because He had picked, He and His disciples had picked some corn, going through the fields on the Sabbath day. And Christ’s reply to them was, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” That’s a whole other topic right there. Tune in for another occasion for there. But, He said, “Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath day.” The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. The weekly Sabbath replaces any other day in that sense for us to worship God on, certainly December 25th, because that is the day that Christ commanded for us to worship Him and the Father on, as we come before Him in a commanded assembly and are to remember and to keep holy.  Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath.

And so, that’s the date to replace December 25th and a pagan festival about the birth of Christ. You know, the problem is nobody wants to do what Jesus said to do. The story of mankind is doing the exact opposite of what God has always instructed man to do for his well-being and for a right relationship with Him. And God has a problem with that, and no amount of emotional attachment and feeling, no matter how well-meaning that is, is going to change that.

Christ would be delighted if we called His Sabbath day a delight. In Isaiah 58:13, in a passage about the Sabbath day, it says that, “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My Holy Day, and call the Sabbath a delight...” then God goes on and He shows how He will bless us for keeping the Sabbath and calling it a delight. If we can do that, we are going to please God.

Now, Isaiah has more to say about the Sabbath, keeping the Sabbath, and also mankind’s false religious traditions. And that thought’s going to lead me into another comment about another series that I’ve been doing here lately, about problems here in America and in the world today. And I’ll have more to say about that next time. Join us on BT Daily.


  • crystite
    Mr. McNeely, I don't think this can objectively be considered a good answer. I thought you were going to suggest the annual festivals, particularly Feast of Tabernacles, which I think would have been a better response. But to suggest the weekly observance of Sabbath could replace the annual observance of Christmas is not comparing like with like. Most churches that teach Christmas, also have a weekly observance of Sunday. So how could a suggestion of weekly observance be seen as something that could take the place of the annual celebration of Christmas? Consider for a moment someone telling you that you don't need the annual observance of Passover, or Pentecost, because we have the weekly Sabbath, which suffices. You would easily see that having the weekly observance does not negate the need for these special annual observances. Therefore, to suggest that the weekly Sabbath take the place of the annual Christmas observance fails to appreciate that there is a place for annual observances outside of weekly ones that might even overlap with the meaning of the annual.
  • Johnm
    Christmas and other Pagan days may have more prophetic significance than you imply; to do away with them would damage the western economy; can you imagine Sabbath eggs, Sabbath cards and Sabbath presents?
  • Princeton University
    Christians who celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th, and do so with the intent of worship of Jesus of Nazareth are not engaging in revering a pagan God. The use of symbolism, whether it be the allegory of the fig tree or the representation of eternal life by the symbol of the “ever-green” tree, is not inherently sinful. God know our hearts. To worship pagan gods is sinful. To use symbolism to aid in the understanding of the Lord’s purpose is not contrary to the Lord’s teaching. Romans 14 : 1 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions ...5 One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord.” "Regardless of the actual date of Jesus’ birth, what really counts is that the fact of it. He was born, so that He could fulfill the plan to save those who believe in Him from their sins." (Disputing the Pagan Roots of Christmas. Posted by Jerry Newcombe.) Let us not dwell on what may divide us, but, rather, let us focus on that which unites us.
  • lewis
    Princeton, you are right that it is good to focus on what unites us. However, it is the truth that should unite us. A person may be very sincere in their worship of God and the use of symbols to do so, but that's not what we are taught in the scriptures. Joshua addressed the nation of Israel and said, “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord!" (Joshua 24:14). We must do the same. We must worship God in "sincerity and in truth" not one or the other. Our heart has to be in the right place, but also our actions according to the word and will of God. There will be those who, when they stand before God, will claim they did many might deeds in His name. And they will be very sincere, thinking they were honoring and serving God. But He will say to them, "‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (Matthew 7:23).
  • badhop22
    i'm the only believer in a large family. a family that I raised but I just recently came to understand so many of the bibles true teachings. It's hard to make changes when I lived outside so many truths for 57 years of my life. After my daughter pasted away a couple of years ago I knew I had to seek truth about everything. Mostly I could not see a God of mercy burning the lost in hell for ever. So now I understand about hell, heaven, clean and unclean food, keeping the Sabbath and more. But those around me can't see why everything I told them before is now wrong. So what does one do in this case,
  • Sabrina Peabody
    Hi Johnny - What wonderful news that you have learned more of God's truth! It is freeing and wonderful to know His ways and plan for us. God is just and merciful and He does not leave anyone suffering continually in hell fire. It is comforting to know He has a plan and that He loves us enough to share it with us. What do you do when other's cannot see the truth? Well, I'll tell you that no one likes to be told they're wrong - that normally gets some anger thrown your way. Be kind, patient and loving and realize that God the Father calls and knows the best time to reveal the truth. You can be a light by pointing them to God's Word, the Bible to find answers (and not tradition) and encourage them to read and study with you. Of course, every person is different and sometimes praying and living your life as best you can is the best you can do. Perhaps you can discuss ideas with people at your local congregation? Praying that God give you wisdom!
  • Dr. Derek P. Blake
    Sabrina, I am not sure where you stand here, are you saying that the 'truth' is that God does "not leave anyone suffering continually in hell fire."? If you are saying this then you are not believing what His word says, which is stated many times in different ways, summed up in the unequivocal Matthew 25:41: “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. " Concerning the judgement, that unbelievers will share the fate of Satan and his evil spirits. We must not compromise on what God's word says, otherwise we are false teachers and misleaders of the faithful. If I misunderstood you then please disregard the above. Dr. Derek P. Blake. Ph.D
  • Sabrina Peabody
    Hi Derek - I believe that there is a hell fire/lake of fire, but I do not believe that those incorrigibly wicked who reject God (who are thrown into the lake of fire) will forever be in pain, continually suffering in the fire. Their judgement (not conscious suffering) is eternal and the fact that they will burn, die, be utterly destroyed and ashes under the feet of the righteous is a testament to God's mercy that there is not eternal suffering, only an eternal consequence. This article answers a lot of questions that will come up while studying the topic: http://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/heaven-and-hell-what-does-the-bible-really-teach/will-a-loving-god-punish
  • Dr. Derek P. Blake
    The word 'Sabbath' simply means 'rest', as in 'sabbatical' which God ordained as the seventh day, in other words Saturday, if we are going to be strict about days. That Sabbath was moved by the Roman church in order to divorce it from the Jewish Sabbath, so in reality it was antisemitism which moved our day of rest and worship, and nothing to do with the day of Christ's rising. We were NEVER commanded by God to keep Sunday sacred. The other reason of course was that half of the Romans continued to worship the Sun god (as the name Sun-day suggests) God's command to worship on the seventh day is still active. If we really want a date for Christmas one could argue that September the 29th would be a better fit for the historical data that December 25th, but again God never commanded that we hold the feast of Jesus' birth at all. If God does not ordain it, God does not bless it, and the state of the modern Christmas demonstrates this fully, a pagan day for a pagan festival. So please, let us try to follow what God ordains and stop making excuses for breaking God's commands.
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