How to Study the Bible - Part 2

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How to Study the Bible - Part 2

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How to Study the Bible - Part 2

MP4 Video - 720p (35.27 MB)
MP3 Audio (541.95 KB)

Just start reading. Use one of those "Read Through the Bible in a Year" plan or just pick up the book and start reading...every day.



[Darris McNeely] This is the second in our series of BT Dailies how to study the Bible at the request of one of our viewers. What I'd like to discuss with you today is basically the idea of just start reading the Bible and start reading it on a daily basis. You can use any number of plans that are out there: the traditional read the Bible in one year plans or they are available in six months or three month varieties. But all it takes is really starting to read the Bible. If nothing more, just open it beginning in Genesis or beginning in Matthew in the New Testament and just start reading through. And as you do you'll grow more comfortable and more familiar with the territory of the scriptures, the characters, and the way that it works.

There's a scripture that describes a group of people in the book of Acts 17:11 who it says were more noble than others. The apostle Paul came across a group of people in the city of Berea, and they were more fair minded than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness and searched the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. That's the point. These Bereans searched the scripture on a daily basis and in doing so they became very well acquainted with what they said. They understood them. They could tell if somebody was misquoting or misapplying, misunderstanding what the Bible said.

That's the only way any of us will ever know the difference between right and wrong in regard to biblical scriptures and sometimes even truth and error as to how people apply that. Start reading. Start reading it every day. Be like the Bereans. That's the key point. A friend of mine once told me that she looks upon the Bible as her best friend. Somebody, a book, and God really, that she must open up and read from every single day as her best friend. I thought that was a pretty good explanation and way to describe how to become acquainted with the Bible and how to really learn what it says through a daily study of the scriptures.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.