Water, Aqueducts and the Word

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Water, Aqueducts and the Word

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Water, Aqueducts and the Word

MP4 Video - 1080p (103.48 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (36.71 MB)
MP3 Audio (814.55 KB)

The power of water and bringing it to ancient Rome tells a story of the preaching of the Gospel and the impact even to the highest households.


[Steve Myers] It’s a hot day in Rome today. I think it’s about 90 degrees, but not only sweating, but standing in front of an ancient aqueduct. What’s interesting about this particular one is that it fed the emperor’s palace up on the hill, so water flowed into the city and sustained his household. And these aqueducts are amazing structures. Throughout the city of Rome, they’re still functioning, still working. Many of the fountains are fed by those ancient aqueducts.

Now, one of the interesting things about the king’s household is that it was impacted by the gospel that was preached right here in Rome. In fact, the apostle Paul wrote several letters, prison epistles, while he was here, to various churches. And one of the churches that he wrote to was the church in Philippi. And at the end of the letter to the Philippians, he writes something interesting. He writes to them and greets the Philippians on behalf, and it says, “All the saints greet you, especially those who are of Caesar’s household” (Philippians 4:21-23).

So if you can imagine the scene in the first century, the people that worked for Caesar, his servants, the people around him, found answers to life in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it impacted them, and it changed the way they lived. It changed who they were. And so, the gospel can do that very thing. Like the water that fed this household, the water of the word of God, God’s Holy Spirit, feeds us and can change us, lift us up and make us people that are more in tune with the mind of Jesus Christ.

So remember the aqueduct. Remember the water of the word that feeds us and helps us to grow and have real life.

That’s BT Daily. We’ll see you next time.


  • Depenney
    Lovely. I like these bt dailys bringing the times of Paul to the forefront and helping us understand the Bible more. Thanks.
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