A Prayer for Obama

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A Prayer for Obama

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This month America gets a new president. Barack Obama will be sworn in at the 44th president of the United States. His election marks a historic first for the nation. He becomes the first bi-racial Chief Executive and comes to office promising a new vision for the nation based on the twin pillars of hope and change. Even as he campaigned through the fall events were occurring that would not only change the country but define what would be the top priority for the new administration.

An economic crisis of historical proportions was transforming the financial lives of millions of Americans. Within weeks upwards of forty percent of the value of the stock market evaporated. Housing values dropped during the year twenty to thirty percent. The savings and retirement accounts of Americans were shredded. The core of America’s manufacturing base is threatened with the possible demise Detroit’s Big Three automakers.

When Barack Obama lifts his hand and takes the oath of office on January 20 he will inherit a nation facing more fear and uncertainty since the generation of the 1930’s. What should be his first priority? Where should his focus be as he places his hand on the Bible? Were he to open the pages of that book he would find many words that could give him direction and encouragement as President. Perhaps none are more appropriate than the words spoken by Solomon before God when he became King of Israel.

In a vision God came to Solomon saying, “Ask! What shall I give you?” Solomon’s reply showed the first mark of a true leader–humility. He knew his power came from God and that he lacked the wisdom to guide the nation at this critical juncture in its history. Solomon acknowledged he was as “a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in”. he knew the nation was “chosen” and had great power and influence among the nations of the day. So he made this request. “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” (I Kings 3:5-9)

This would be the place to start for the new president. He, and the nation, face the greatest economic challenge of our generation.

American troops are engaged in combat on two fronts in the Middle East-Afghanistan and Iraq. America’s role in the world is changing as confidence in its power and commitment is reassessed. All signs point to a realignment of world power within the next two decades as Asia and Europe seek larger roles on the world stage.

Bible prophecy shows us events are moving toward the fulfillment of several key events mentioned in scripture. Observers of history written in the light of Bible prophecy see the clear and unmistakable signs of God’s control of time and world events.

While we watch the horizon we also keep our feet firmly planted in today’s world knowing that God expects His Church to sound a clear message of warning and hope to the world. To that end we encourage all our readers to pray for the success of the new president.

The apostle Paul encouraged prayers for “kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” (2 Timothy 2:1-2). While it is still day there is an opportunity and an obligation to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ as a witness to all who will hear. For that reason alone we pray for wisdom upon the new president and his government.

Only God knows to whom He will grant repentance to life in this momentous and challenging times. But His Church is charged with the duty to proclaim that message with urgency. Join us in prayers for our new president. Join with us in prayer and actions that the gospel can be preached to larger audiences. Join us in this good work at this critical juncture of history. Finally, pray with us “thy kingdom come” with the full restoration of all good things of God to this earth.