Walking in the Dark

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Walking in the Dark

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We had few streetlights in our small town. Often we would walk home by moonlight or in the dark. The darker it is, the greater the chance to stumble or run into something that lies in our path unseen. Lanterns and flashlights were invented to illuminate the paths. Distances seem to change, and familiar objects no longer inform us how much further we need to go. With bright sunlight, our steps joyfully skipped along finding the easier path and enjoying all that we saw.

God intended His Word to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths (Psalm 119:105). Jesus is the true Light, who gives light to every man (John 1:9). God sent Jesus to illuminate our paths into His home. Somehow humans find it easy to remain in the darkness. They did not understand the light (John 1:5). Some men love darkness (John 3:19) and are willing to stumble around in darkness rather than allow the light to show that which needs correcting in themselves. Light costs something; darkness comes for free. Light leads to eternal life; darkness leads to death. Men and women should choose the light—it is well worth the cost.