United Church of God

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  • by Becky Sweat
Probably most of us have expressed these kinds of frustrations. We live in a crazy busy, fast-paced world, and often have a lot of demands on our time. However, our time is a finite resource. Here are five time management principles derived from the Bible.
  • by Michael Kelley
The minds of young people are being pummeled every day by an increasingly wayward culture and time spent plugged into social media. Let’s look at the broadening scope of the crisis—and explore realistic solutions.
  • by Gary Petty
Paganism is inclusive. True Christianity, once called the Way, is not. Its original followers passionately rejected the concepts and practices of religions not based on the Bible. What does that mean for you?
  • by Mario Seiglie
Genetic adaptation to environment has been attributed to natural selection for advantageous mutations. But scientists have recently learned that adaptations come mostly from genetic switches responding to circumstances—proof of design, as attested by the Bible.
  • by John LaBissoniere
One of the most prevalent beliefs of traditional Christianity is that people have immortal souls which, at death, leave the body and go to heaven or hell. But, surprising as it may be, the Bible teaches no such concept!

Recent Comments

Tania W's picture Tania W said:
Kia ora,

I needed to hear this series for real! However, all day today I've walked off probably 12x today because it's a two edged sword, of which I loved, then walked off...
1 month 4 weeks ago in 5 Steps to Real Change: Part 1 - Finding Hope in a Confused World

Judy K Resler said:
Thank you so much for this article, Teri. It is encouraging and helpful for me. I, too, feel like God has me 'under construction' and articles like this help me immensely....
3 months 1 week ago in Don’t Quit Keep Playing