United Church of God


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Total results: 44620.
by Mike Bennett
The Bible talks about a cause of future climate change that no scientific model can predict and that no amount of debate can debunk. The core of the Bible teaching is simple, but the future predictions are earthshaking.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
A new element in the climate change debate has caused people to wonder if it is ethical to procreate.
United News
Jim Tuck
In the late 1950s the New York Times claimed “global warming” was coming, but in 1975 they promoted fears of a “new ice age.” In the years ahead the Times circled back to strike fear in people that global warming was coming at us with an “...
Perspective     I remember back in the sixties when I first heard the climate was changing. As I remember, it was a cold, frosty day in Missouri. Fortune magazine previously had run an article in 1954, and they warned...
by Bruce Gore
What measures are needed to address climate-related emergencies not only in America but also globally? Is it possible that the gravest issue is not entirely physical but spiritual?
by Stuart Fricke
Spokane Valley, Washington 2023
The Willamette meteorite crashed into the earth with a cataclysmic effect to physically alter the earth temporarily. Our Lord Jesus, the precious living stone, came humbly to the earth as a child, and he spiritually altered the earth...
by Rex Sexton
Recent news events from all parts of the globe signal a world out of control. What's behind it all, and what can you do to prepare for what's ahead?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Don Hooser
Coming soon—the spectacular and glorious return of our Savior returning as King of Kings to establish the Kingdom of God throughout the earth! Here are just five of the changes His rule will bring.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Michael Kelley
As the world grows increasingly unstable, America’s military appears dangerously misguided.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Earth is sheltered from most meteors that head our way. Every once in a while one hits the earth and reminds us Who really is in charge.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
The Doomsday Clock has moved thirty seconds closer to midnight as of January 26th. What hope does mankind have in the face of all out war and destruction? 
