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  • by Lorelei Nettles
The time we spend considering one another can change the way we treat each other when difficulties come.
  • by John LaBissoniere
Ancient deities might have faded into obscurity, but modern society is more rife with idolatry than you think.
  • by Amber Duran
Don't let negative thoughts dominate your mind. Instead, let God's Spirit quell them.
  • by Kathy Sanny
The time is coming when we will need to keep our wits and remain calm when the world as we know it completely falls apart. Stay brave!
  • by Kathy Sanny
The meaning of this biblical directive in the Old Covenant law teaches that punishment must fit the crime.
  • by Debbie Carper
God's instructions are His expression of love toward us because they help us grow in all of our relationships and live our best lives.
  • by Kathy Sanny
The surprising commonalities between an obscure Old Testament man and the Christmas celebrations of today.
  • by Lorelei Nettles
When we are called a true friend, it means something. Are we being true friends?
  • by Lorelei Nettles
How we react to the influence of those around us is important in our Christian lives.
  • by Kathy Sanny
Grieving for a lost loved one does not end in this lifetime.
  • by Kathy Sanny
Don't let the chemicals in your brain dictate how you spend your time—redeem it to pursue things of meaning and importance.
  • by Amber Duran
The scars we think are so permanently burned onto our hearts will be healed by a loving Father who never wanted us to be scarred or burned by life.
  • by Kathy Sanny
People seek to find a shortcut to wealth and happiness and eternity, so they turn everywhere except where there are true answers.
  • by Lorelei Nettles
There is a brighter future for us, we just need to get through the messy parts of life.