Is a Solar Storm in Your Future?

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Is a Solar Storm in Your Future?

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The boiling complexity of the sun, that fusion furnace that provides us with heat, light and a whole spectrum of other benefits occasionally serves up something not-so-nice. Anomalies such as a coronal mass ejection (CME) can and do wreak havoc with 21st century navigation and communication systems, and have torched electric supply grids in Canada and elsewhere. A mild CME singed the Van Allen magnetic fields of Earth on March 8, reminding scientists and communication professionals of potential major problems.

CMEs in the past have ejected more mass from the surface of the sun than is contained in the entire North American continent. They are serious enough that the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) agency now includes a “space weather” section ( that monitors and predicts shifts in “space weather” from CMEs to solar wind activity and other potentially harmful conditions.

Recently a number of sunspots and massive solar flares have resulted in a fresh wave of CMEs, causing global concern about radio and electronic blackouts, as well as fluctuations in electric power supply as unprotected electrical grids absorb the excess electro-magnetic energy striking the earth.

So far, although more frequent, the current CMEs have been mild in comparison to the pulsating waves that have ignited the earth’s magnetic fields in the past. The possibility of strong storms—where the full-scale fury of a solar storm overpowers earth’s natural magnetic defenses—could cause upwards of $2 trillion in catastrophic damage, knocking out communication, cell phones, computers, tablets and electrical supply grids all over the planet.

Such a storm smashed into the earth shortly before the U.S. Civil War in 1859, causing telegraph wires to explode off of poles and ignite fires in telegraph offices. “Northern lights”—the Aurora Borealis effect of electro-magnetic shimmering light—could be seen as far south as Cuba in the Caribbean. Given the then-primitive and relative meager deployment of electrical infrastructure in the mid-1800s, damage was relatively light. In 2012, a similar size storm could cause nearly incomprehensible damage.

While we generally take the sun and its amazing benefits for granted, solar storms—such as are now erupting during this current solar cycle—remind us of how devastating events can turn in a hurry.

The Bible speaks of great celestial events—some on the magnitude of or greater than that of current CMEs—that God uses to punctuate and underscore the importance of key events, often accompanying statements He wants people to pay attention to. Shortly before Jesus died as the Passover lamb to take away the sins of the world, a supernatural darkness—a blotting out of natural light—took place over ancient Judea (Matthew 27:45). This great supernatural event let everyone know—disciple and public citizen alike—that something wondrous and great was about to happen. The day that God revealed the great Ten Commandments, “There were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud” (Exodus 19:16). The Bible declares great cosmic disturbances will take place shortly before the return of Jesus Christ: “The sun became as black as sackcloth…the stars of heaven fell to the earth…the sky receded as a scroll,” all of such supernatural events will cause humans from all walks of life to hide in fear.

While these times are not yet and these CMEs—despite their potential for devastation—do not represent these great signs to come, these solar storms should remind and illustrate to us the great power of God! This power is held in check and ordered in magnitude by none other than Jesus Christ Himself (Hebrews 1:3).

As we read of these breath-taking coronal mass ejections—where continent-sized chunks of matter and plasma explode into space, we should be reminded of what David wrote: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). David goes on to marvel at the magnificent order of the heavens, finally comparing to the behavioral standards that God has set for us: “The law of the Lord is perfect…the testimony of the Lord is sure….the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes” (Psalm 19:7-8).

As we experience these storms and see what power is woven into this physical universe, we can use these experiences to appreciate and comprehend the fact that God is real, and that He has a plan for each one of us. If you are wondering whether your life has a purpose against such a powerful backdrop, why not investigate further? Order or download our free booklets, Life’s Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind, and read for yourself what the Almighty God has in store for you!


  • janleigh73

    It really shows how small and weak we are compared to God!! He is the only one who can do marvelous things with us and for us!!

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