United Church of God

How Long Is Long Enough to Pray About Something?

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How Long Is Long Enough to Pray About Something?

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There are so many things that can fill our prayer time before God—health issues, jobs, finances, etc. Add to that list the needs of God's work, prayer requests and so many other things, it can become easy to forget to petition God regularly for those things that matter even more.

It is not that those prior things are bad or unimportant. It is just that our immediate needs can many times distract our focus. Our health will ebb and flow in life, jobs will come and go and, while we are in this life, there will always be something to pray about or someone to pray for.

So what is the most important thing to pray for? In Matthew 6:9-10 Christ begins to instruct the disciples on how to pray, and He focuses them first and foremost on God, His Kingdom and His will. Not only are we to pray along these lines, but we are to be persistent in prayer regarding them as well.

The prophet Daniel understood this point, and it was his focus in Daniel 9. His prayer was focused on God, His mercy and concern for the future of the nation of Israel. Daniel spent his life focused on God's calling and the future for His people.

Christ expounded upon this approach in Matthew 6:33: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

How long is long enough to pray about something? Paul answers the question in 1 Thessalonians 5:17: "Pray without ceasing."

Pray for one another for deliverance from the trials of life. Pray for the work God is doing through His Church. Pray for your needs and the needs of your family. But remember to stay focused on God and His Kingdom above all else until the very end—and God will take care of the rest.


  • Malachi 3_16-18
    Hi Pianoman, Yes, it is good and right to pray for our leaders - in our country and in our church (1 Tim 2:1-4). And of course to pray for our brethren (remembering that our church leaders are also our brethren). Church leaders and regular members alike all have it in us to be prideful and arrogant if we are not close to God. Actually, we are all leaders of sorts, if we are preparing for leadership in God's Kingdom, and being a good example to the world. Let's all look into our own hearts first, pray for ourselves in this matter, and pray for but leave God to take care of the attitudes of others.
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