In the News...Antipromiscuity Trend

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In the News...Antipromiscuity Trend

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On college campuses, where "hooking up" for random sexual encounters has been one of the hallmarks of university life for decades, a new trend has emerged against promiscuous sex. Virginity clubs, such as True Love Revolution at Harvard and Anscombe Society at Princeton, support sexual abstinence before marriage for philosophical reasons. They reject recreational sex because it is harmful to society and to personal health and happiness ("Rise of the Rebel Virgins," Christianity Today, July 1, 2008).

While this is a promising cultural trend, it is still important to remember that the main reason for refraining from sexual activity before marriage is because God says to refrain in His law. Sex is an innate part of the marriage relationship between one man and one woman for life. Anything else is outside proper context.

For more information on this subject, request or download the free booklet Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension.