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Death and grief touch every person's life at some time. Jesus Christ showed great compassion to those grieving, and wept for his friend Lazarus despite knowing he was about to be resurrected . If you are under the burden of grief, day to day life can seem impossible, but the hope of the resurrection can be a great comfort as you heal and mourn.

  • by United Church of God
Millions believe that God is loving and merciful, but also that He has condemned millions to suffer torment for all eternity. Is something wrong with this picture, or is the problem a distorted belief about hell?
  • by United Church of God
Ideas about us going to heaven or hell hinge on belief in the immortal soul, which must go somewhere when the body dies. Yet the Bible nowhere teaches the soul is immortal. So where did the idea originate?
  • by Darris McNeely, Gary Petty

What happens after death? Whatever you think you know can be challenged from...

  • by United Church of God
Repeated exposure to violence-real and feigned-in news and entertainment hardens us to the real suffering of others.
  • by United Church of God
We live in a world of suffering. It falls on the just and the unjust, afflicting all of us at some time. Philosophers, thinkers and theologians have weighed in on the issue for years. We need answers to the problem of human suffering!
  • by United Church of God
We all have to cope with the loss caused by death. How can we deal with our grief and help others who are grieving? Understanding what the Bible reveals about death and His promise of the resurrection provides great encouragement.
  • by United Church of God
Despite widespread use of the phrase immortal soul, this terminology is found nowhere in the Bible. Where did the idea of an immortal soul originate?
  • by United Church of God
Life is precious to us. We don’t want to die. But what really happens to us after death? Scientists, philosophers and even theologians don’t agree. Where can we go for answers? Shouldn’t we seek them from the Creator of life?
  • by Steve Myers, Darris McNeely

Could a merciful, compassionate God really allow people to suffer...

  • by Barbara Fenney
What will it be like for those raised to life again in the resurrection described in Ezekiel's vision? Suddenly being raised back to physical life will certainly come as a shock to just about everyone affected!
  • by Robert H Berendt
From the beginning of time, man has wondered what will happen once he departs this life. Is a physical body necessary? Where does a person go after death? There is a spiritual dimension most people miss, which is an integral part of God’s Plan for building His Family.
  • by Michelle Grovak
The older gentleman had lived his life on the social fringe, and exited the world almost unnoticed—but the occasion of his death provided a lesson for those still living.
  • by Darris McNeely
Terrorism continues to strike America's schools. How can we understand such tragedy?
  • by United Church of God
It’s refreshing to see a song become popular that has a good message.