United Church of God


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Total results: 61622.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
What makes America an "exceptional" nation?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
How can we resolve the tension between reason and faith?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
What does the Bible really say about what happens after death?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
NASA predicts humans will find alien life in the universe within twenty years.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Scientists fear space and time could fly apart if too much energy is applied to the Higgs Boson, considered to be the fundamental basis for matter. Could this happen?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
How can near-death experiences be explained in light of biblical revelation? Could they be dreams, hallucinations, visions or evil spirits?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Controversy surrounding North Carolina's "Bathroom Bill" has inspired impassioned debates representing every world view -- except for one. What does God have to say about gender identity?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
To really understand the Bible you have to understand a four letter word.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Gary Petty
Christians are being killed today for their beliefs. As this world turns against God we will see more. How will you handle it when it comes to your door?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
It's your choice. Believe only what science says about the origin of the universe; or take what science sees and couple it with what God says in His Word. The latter is far more encouraging - and accurate.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
A BT Daily viewer offers another perspective on this growing crisis.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Have those who have ended their own lives committed the unpardonable sin?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Is baptism just a ceremony, or is it a crucial step in the process of your salvation?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
People talk a lot about conversion, but what does it actually look like?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
How does God's will factor into immigration? God determines the boundaries of the nations.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
The Declaration of Independence gives us a thought about the same-sex marriage issue.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
How can watching Israel help you monitor the pulse of end-time prophecy?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely, Mario Seiglie
Good News writer Mario Seiglie talks about articles that focus on God, science and the Bible in the latest issue of the Good News magazine.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Steve Myers
Scientists are now tinkering with editing the genes of animals to create designer animals. Where is this leading?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Steve Myers
We are all focused on a physical health threat. But how can we improve our spiritual health?
