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Marriage and Family

Family is the structure of civilization, and healthy family relationships give us security, stability, and happiness. Many of us do not have this experience in our pasts, but it is never too late to build up your family moving forward. Ask for God's blessing in your family and use these resources to work toward a peaceful, happy family.

  • by Whitney Creech
Coping with teen pregnancy is hard - premarital sex and children out of wedlock being against the purpose of marriage and family. But there is help to go forward.
  • by
If you were suddenly given a large sum of money, would you have the wisdom to manage it properly?
  • by Amanda Stiver
"Teach your kids to play" is the theme of organizations like the Alliance for Childhood.
  • by Lorelei Nettles
Many of us feel we are ready to go forward without really planning for what is to come, but marriage takes a lot of preparation.
  • by Katherine Rowland
Our choice of spiritual clothing determines if we will be invited to the most important wedding of all time.
  • by Scott Delamater
It is often easy to say the words “I love you,” but actual love is not that easy. It takes more than saying the words; it takes action.
  • by Robert H Berendt
Marriage between a man and woman is one thing, but does God have even a bigger marriage plan?
  • by Rex Sexton
Depredations of the elephant herds of northern Zambia by poaching led to a breakdown of the social structure of these magnificent creatures. Their experience holds sad and sobering lessons for people as well.
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Barbara Fenney
Millions around the world have been eagerly anticipating the royal wedding of Prince William to Britain’s future Queen Catherine. Christians are even more eagerly anticipating the ultimate marriage ceremony to come!
  • by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers, Rex Sexton

As prices rise and incomes stagnate, how can you wisely manage your...

  • by United Church of God
What is it about “homemade” that makes it so good?
  • by United Church of God
Parenting is a wonderful and frightening responsibility!
  • by Becky Sweat
Many parents worry their children will be left behind if they aren’t signed up for lots of activities. But are the benefits of such a hurried lifestyle really worth the time stress?