United Church of God

Nashville Honors Member for 100th Birthday!

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Nashville Honors Member for 100th Birthday!

Mrs. Eleanor Allen is shown surrounded by more than 190 cards that she received for her 100th birthday, which was Wednesday, Sept. 3. The cards poured in from members and congregations around the world. In her hand she holds the special card signed by the brethren in Nashville.

Mrs. Allen was baptized in 1963. She was part of the original congregation in Nashville, which began in 1964. In those days she rode a bus from her home near the Alabama line to Nashville. Members would transport her from the bus station to the meeting hall for Sabbath services. Although she hasn’t been able to attend services for the past few years she listens on the phone to the Nashville service each week, listens to the Beyond Today program each week, and loves and appreciates visits from the members of the Nashville congregation. She wants to thank everyone who sent her cards and let them know what a joy it was every day for the mail to be brought to her with cards from so many.