United Church of God

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World Regions

"So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city" (Genesis 11:8).

Long ago, an ancient civilization revolted against God, gathering together and attempting to build a tower to the heavens. In response, God divided their languages and caused them to scatter across the globe. Now, millennia later, each world region has its own unique history...and shared future. Find out more below, or focus on a specific region with the links on the right.

  • by Melvin Rhodes
The Middle East is at the center of Bible prophecy. Iran looks set to become the new regional superpower as the United States and its allies withdraw from or sharply reduce their presence in the region. What are the consequences—especially for the Jewish nation of Israel?
  • by Gary Petty
Recent U.S. elections showed a nation strongly and sometimes bitterly divided over many issues, not least the basic direction of the country. What’s behind the battle? The seeds were sown long ago.