United Church of God


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Total results: 49602.
by Heidi Braun
How we respond to others' words and actions can reveal a lot about our respect, including that for God.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
God blessed the human race with the ability to cry.
United News
Peter Eddington
Preaching the gospel gains momentum with ads also to appear in 4.5 million American Baby and Parents magazines in April and May.
As announced Dec. 10, due to positive income in excess of our budget, a half million dollars has been made available to increase the subscriber bases in several of our publications. Some of these funds are now being used to...
United News
Les BoothDarris McNeelyRobin Webber
Now with wnponline.org, World News and Prophecy has a threefold approach to help preach the gospel and prepare a people.
First came World News and Prophecy in printed form, then the weekend seminars (see sidebar, page 2). Now in 2005, a third phase has been launched with wnponline.org. During meetings in January with the managing editors of...
United News
United News
This calendar, which includes the Holy Days, is a fundraiser for ABC.
The ABC Calendar is BACK! This calendar/planner features God’s Holy Days and Feasts for the year 2023. The calendar is a 11 by 8½-inch glossy magnetic calendar that features a blank section on the lower portion for additional information...
by Janet Treadway
Being a foster child can be one of the most difficult experiences someone can live through. But God above is our Father when no human father is our own, and He is our Rock no matter what.
by Amber Duran
The scars we think are so permanently burned onto our hearts will be healed by a loving Father who never wanted us to be scarred or burned by life.
by Randy Stiver
The history of mankind is replete with examples of walls erected between people—economic walls, ideological walls, racist and tribal walls, educational walls, religious walls… Man makes walls to divide, to hide the truth, to exalt the self...
United News
Victor Kubik
Netherlands—As of Jan. 1 this year, UCG-Netherlands is a separate, distinct entity in Europe with its own National Council, just like Italy, Germany, France and the British Isles.
When UCG-Netherlands was founded, there were no resident ordained elders in the country. Therefore, it was decided to temporarily associate with another UCG entity—in this case, UCG-Germany, with Paul Kieffer serving as pastor. The Dutch...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik focuses the work of the Church in the Scandinavian and Nordic countries, specifically Estonia. He includes an update from the senior pastor of that area, Johnnie Lambert, who reports methods...
God has been doing a Work in Eastern Europe and the Baltic republics before and throughout the history of the United Church of God. We held our first Feast of Tabernacles in Tartu, Estonia in 1997. Elder Johnnie Lambert and his wife, Hazel...
