United Church of God


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Total results: 5929.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Steve Myers
Everything in this world seems to have gone to self-service. Of what should it remind us?
United News
Laurel Krenz
On a calm and balmy day, Sunday, August 21, Ambassador Bible Center alumni and current students came together to hold a car wash in the parking lot of a local CVS in Cincinnati to support the Ronald McDonald House.
On a calm and balmy day, Sunday, August 21, Ambassador Bible Center alumni and current students came together to hold a car wash in the parking lot of a local CVS in Cincinnati to support the Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald...
United News
Nicholas Bizic
Ambassador Bible Center students gathered together for a LifeNets car wash fund-raiser on Sunday, June 25.
Ambassador Bible Center students gathered together for a LifeNets car wash fund-raiser on Sunday, June 25. Things started off slowly, with the volunteers providing most of the cars in the mostly cloudy morning time. As the day went...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Janet Treadway
Do you remember this song “You’ll Never Walk Alone”? It’s hard to hold your head up high while going through the storms of life.
United News
Laurel Krenz
On November 6, 12 current and former ABC students made their way to the Ronald McDonald House near downtown Cincinnati to serve a meal to the residents.
On November 6, 12 current and former ABC students made their way to the Ronald McDonald House near downtown Cincinnati to serve a meal to the residents. The Ronald McDonald House offers families who have children receiving care at an...
UCG Short Films
by Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter
"All Things New," composed by Elaine Hagenberg with lyrics by Frances Havergal. Setting the words of Frances Havergal's poem to music, "All Things New" disarms our current hardships with a pure vision of hope in our Savior Jesus...
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
We have a finite number days in our lives; the key is to use each one wisely. We don't want to leave those projects unfinished as the number of our days shortens.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Do we allow Christ to wash us completely?
Nelson Arnold

We observe the seventh-day Sabbath and God's Holy Days as revealed in the Bible. The mission of the Church is to preach the gospel...

This Is The Way
by United Church of God
W.A. Poovey wrote: "Mere longing for a better world can be a lazy person's way to face life.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Joe Dobson
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Services this year at the Feast in Branson will be held at Presleys' Country Jubilee. Presleys’ is located in the heart of Branson, a widely recognized, family-oriented resort town located in the hardwood-forested hills of the...
United News
Lena VanAusdle
The Good Works team is looking to highlight service initiatives that congregations are doing locally in addition to the major Good Works projects being funded and carried out all around the world.
Send us an article and photos! Email Good Works Coordinator Lena VanAusdle at lena_vanausdle@ucg.org for more information, or to submit a story. Watch the Good Works video at bit.ly/ucggoodworks! About Good Works... Following the...
Beyond Today Dailys
by Rick Shabi
United Church of God president, Rick Shabi, responds to the thought-provoking Super Bowl ad "He Gets Us" which depicts Jesus washing feet, sparking discussions about its significance. That ad has created a lot of discussion and revealed...
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
A Footwashing Attitude - Christ expected His disciples to take on humility.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Steve Myers
Seek guidance from those who understand God's Word.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Steve Myers
Here's a lesson from my car's windshield.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
What lessons can we learn from the apostle Paul's experience in prison?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
The Humility of John the Baptist - John said he was not worthy to loose the sandal of the One who came after him. Imagine how stunned the disciples were when Jesus kneeled to wash their feet.
Sharon VanSchuyverPeter M. Gabriel
Feb. 18 marked the third annual Teen Entertainment Night for the Houston area.
Feb. 18 marked the third annual Teen Entertainment Night for the Houston area. This highly anticipated Sabbath included not only an evening of entertainment for the congregation, but also allowed teens to serve in the capacities of...
