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death penalty

  • by Katherine Rowland
Real repentance can be a daunting task. But the weight that’s lifted off you is well worth the effort
  • by Don Hooser
"That's not fair!" We become sensitive from an early age to issues of fairness. Parents often reply, "Life just isn't fair." At the same time parents may teach their children to be as fair as possible. But what is considered fair and just is often a matter of opinion and widely disputed!
  • by Kevin Epps
An age-old question has been: What was nailed to the cross? What was the "handwriting of requirements that was against us"? Sometimes it's easier to know what this doesn't mean than it is to explain what it does mean.
  • by Victor Kubik
Being a pastor in Terre Haute during the media circus of the McVeigh execution forced me once again to examine the meaning of life.