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Everyone needs to be encouraged in their lives. Numerous Bible scriptures offer personal encouragement that can be applied in your daily life and can help provide inspiration on how you can encourage others as they face life's challenges. These articles below can help guide you in that process.

  • by Victor Kubik
As we strive to “endure to the end,” let us courageously claim those gifts and allow God’s perfect work to transform us, that we too can be victorious! 
  • by Robert H Berendt
Most people have a desire for a good life to continue forever and they may think “so far, so good.”
  • by Debbie Carper
As Christians our lives are bound up with hope. There is no escaping it. But the world around us can sap that hope from us. Here are seven ways to counteract that and infuse hope back into our lives.
  • by Robert H Berendt
We often excuse our lack of effort and patience by putting all the responsibility for our failures on God.
  • by Steve Myers

Do you realize the power you have in the things you say?

  • by Katherine Rowland
Does your response to the moods of others reveal emotional maturity or selfishness?
  • by United Church of God
Participation in the Church (assembly of believers) Jesus founded through supporting its mission and Christian fellowship—communicating and interacting with other members—is a priceless tool for personal and collective growth. 
  • by Katherine Rowland
Do your words bring joy to others, or do they cause distress?