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  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
According to a report from Jerusalem published in the International Herald Tribune, "Hamas has now sent hundreds of its fighters, most of them to Iran. . . Israel is watching as Hamas, in control of Gaza, is building an army there on the model of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon—constructing positions and fortifications."
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Huge swaths of forests and fields across northern Israel have been scorched by thousands of Hezbollah rocket strikes over the past three weeks, and experts said it would take nature at least 50 years to recover," began an Aug. 2 Associated Press report.
  • by Good News
The UN-mandated cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah has evoked a media frenzy (at least in Britain), with one article feverishly following another as observers seek to explain the significance of what is perceived as the first real Israeli battlefield failure.
  • by Darris McNeely
Possession of no other piece of real estate on earth is more contested than the Middle Eastern territory of Palestine. Three of the world's most influential religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, regard it as sacred territory.