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  • by Jamie Schreiber, David D Schreiber

From remote villages to over-populated mega cities, this new UCG short film...

  • by Jeremy Lallier
India's Dalits, once referred to as untouchables, are still struggling, but worshipping the goddess of the English language will not solve the problem. God's fair and equitable Kingdom will.
  • by Cecil Maranville
Have you noticed the phrase, "food inflation" in news reports lately? It refers to a worldwide phenomenon of sharply increasing food prices, a trend that will mean less food for many and higher costs for all in 2008.
  • by Darris McNeely
Claire Berlinski's book, subtitled "Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too," provides an engaging analysis of modern Europe—and a warning (ISBN 1400097681).
  • by Melvin Rhodes
The murder of three American Baptist missionaries by an Islamic extremist in Yemen Dec. 30 highlights the growing threat to Americans living in other parts of the world and the increasing worldwide clash between the followers of Islam and those of traditional Christianity. The killer claimed he shot the Americans because "they were preaching Christianity in an Islamic country." by Melvin Rhodes
  • by Cecil Maranville
Covering the ominous threat of nuclear war between India and Pakistan, Fox News reporter Shepard Smith interviewed Steven Garner on May 29, 2002. Dr. Garner is the chief medical officer at St. Vincent's hospital in New York City. Fox News called him "perhaps New York City's foremost expert on disaster preparedness."
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley
More than half a year has passed since the cataclysmic events of Sept. 11—a day that lives in infamy. Yet, in spite of American and British efforts to corral terrorism, the world appears as dangerous as ever.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
The more nuclear powers, the more other nations feel it absolutely necessary to develop and add weapons of this nature to their defense arsenals.