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  • by Steve Myers

We can't change the past, just learn from it. Fear of the future is futile,...

  • by United Church of God
Many people think Jesus of Nazareth came to do away with the law, replacing law with grace—but did He? Few things could be more important to you than understanding this matter! A careful study of Scripture shows that Jesus was much more than most people realize, and this truth has huge implications.
  • by Steve Myers

God tells us what to do when we feel like we are up against the wall.

  • by Scott Delamater
A word we know, but may find difficulty defining: “meek”
  • by Jeremy Lallier
After years of wandering in the wilderness, Israel stood at the edge of Canaan. What words of guidance could Moses say to inspire the zeal they would need to continue to trust and obey God?
  • by Kodesh Gagnon
What if we knew the number of our days? How would that influence the way we lived our lives?
  • by Mike Bennett
The Bible talks about a cause of future climate change that no scientific model can predict and that no amount of debate can debunk. The core of the Bible teaching is simple, but the future predictions are earthshaking.
  • by Jerold Aust
Your Bible reveals there will be two witnesses in the end time who will turn the world upside down, testifying for Christ against sin and sinners. Some of the miracles they will perform will parallel those of Moses and Elijah. There’s an enlightening lesson in these similarities.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Jesus Christ instructed His followers to pray, "Thy kingdom come" (King James Version). In its long-term effects this prayer is the most important request a person could make—asking God the Father that His Kingdom would become a reality. Three of Christ's disciples were given a special preview of the Kingdom of God commonly known as the transfiguration. What does it mean for true Christians today?
  • by Tom M Damour
Moses was called out of Egypt both physically and spiritually. His experience, though unique in many ways, is not altogether different from ours. Just as he learned to trust God during his lifetime, so should we. Moses is more like us than many think.
  • by Good News
Moses prophesied of another prophet who would arise: "The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren, Him you shall hear" (Deuteronomy 18:15).
  • by Good News
God used Moses to reveal his eternal law to mankind and Jesus confirmed it.