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  • by John Miller
Many people, confused by the conception of God as a Trinity, don’t really understand the nature and purpose of the Holy Spirit. What is God’s Spirit, really? And what can it do for you?
  • by Robert Dick
All their stories—Noah’s, Peter’s, Elijah’s, Paul’s and ours, too, contain a common element. It’s a commission—not a promise of results, but an assignment to preach the gospel.
  • by Vince Szymkowiak
The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are key facts of history for a Christian. As the apostles testified, Christ’s resurrection was the culmination of the events of His first coming—and enables the remaining steps in God’s plan to save mankind.
  • by Rex Sexton
Jesus admonished the teachers of the law in His day, calling them greatly mistaken. It is imperative that we use discernment so that we avoid being likewise "greatly mistaken."
  • by Don Hooser
When Peter received the Holy Spirit, he was obviously converted. But reading the first 15 chapters of Acts and Peter’s two epistles reveals a remarkably different man. If Peter could change that much, then we, too, can experience significant growth.
  • by John Elliott
What prompted David to make his enthusiastic statement, “Oh, how I love your law”?
  • by Graemme Marshall
What happened on Pentecost in A.D. 31 changed the apostles in a way they never could have expected. It also reveals an incredible change that can—and must—take place in our lives.
  • by Good News
No dead person can resurrect Himself. Death is the complete absence of life and consciousness. Only someone alive and gifted with supernatural powers could have performed such a wondrous deed.
  • by Robert Dick
The first line of defense is knowing the enemy and his tactics. How can we guard our minds from the pervasive influence of secular humanism?