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Richard Dawkins

  • by Kevin Ford
The theory of evolution has been the fundamental basis of much of the scientific thought for the last century and a half, but its influence extends far beyond science.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
There are now more Catholics attending church in Britain than Anglicans. Meanwhile nontraditional Christian groups are growing in numbers and influence in the United Kingdom. But are all these various brands within Christendom truly based on the teachings of the Judeo-Christian Bible?
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Especially in the last year, the reemergence of media coverage about aggressive atheism has helped focus British attention on that most crucial of all questions: Does God exist? Even scientists are arguing the question. In spite of a rather vigorous defense, atheism certainly appears to be gaining ground in Britain and Europe.
  • by Paul Suckling
For almost two centuries arguments between two 'faiths'—one in evolution, the other in creation—have raged. Both raise questions, but neither has resolved them to the other's satisfaction. Simply put, the dividing issue is, did we evolve through natural selection and survival of the fittest or were we created by a superior being?