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spiritual growth

  • by Philip Aust
In the first part of this two-part series designed to facilitate growth after the fall Feasts, we addressed sharing your feast and reviewing your notes. In this second article, we cover two more practices of Christian development. Read on to learn about them and put them to good use.
  • by Philip Aust
The following article is offered as a two-part series. In this series, we identify four practices to overcome the spiritual low we sometimes experience following the fall Feasts. Part one provides an introduction to building from our fall Feast experiences. Then it shares two practices for sustained Christian growth. Read on to learn about these practices.
  • by John LaBissoniere
As a member of God’s Church, you have the opportunity to build your life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. But will your spiritual construction materials stand the test of fire?
  • by Gary Petty

We have just gone through a major move from one home to another. This...

  • by Katherine Rowland
When we bought a new house last summer, I was delighted by the enormous rose bush in the front yard. All summer long, it boasts bright pink blossoms that spread their scent across the entire yard. The only time that the rose bush isn't a delight to me is when I have to prune it, a task that must be done regularly.
  • by Debbie Carper
When circumstances around us threaten to shake our faith, we must turn to the One who is our sure foundation.
  • by Don Hooser
What did Thomas Jefferson and the other writers of the Declaration of Independence mean by “the pursuit of happiness”? How important is this right according to history and the Bible? (This is the third article in a series on the God-given rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”)
  • by United Church of God
Whether or not we grow requires a personal choice.
  • by Jon Pinelli
"I resolve to lose weight this year." "I resolve to quit smoking this year." "I resolve to stop drinking this year." New Year's resolutions.
  • by Good News
In Jesus' parable of the sower, recorded in Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8, "the seed is the word of God" (Luke 8:11).
  • by Michael Caputo
God requires respect for those old in years among us. But these wise individuals can provide many blessings for others, if we will only listen to them and follow their experienced example.
  • by Newton Baker
This quote from "The Chambered Nautilus" by Oliver Wendell Holmes speaks of how the nautilus, as it grows, enlarges its shell to accommodate its new size.
  • by Andy McClain
I agonized over pruning my trees because I thought it would harm them. Pruning, whether physical or spiritual, doesn’t seem pleasant, but it really is necessary for health and growth.