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Tony Blair

  • by Cecil Maranville
The world is at war. It's not the long-envisioned nuclear exchange, but don't count nuclear weapons out. This is a shadowy war of principle, one the United States, Britain and their allies are ill-equipped to win.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
This month marks the 500th anniversary of England's most famous monarch's ascension to the throne. Thanks to Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth I, the English speaking world has known religious freedom for as long as anybody can remember.
  • by Darris McNeely
We'd better hope so. The unique relationship that America and Great Britain have forged for more than a hundred years has done much to foster freedom, open markets and good will. When it passes, the world will be a different place.
  • by Larry Walker
It is important to understand that the problems in the Middle East are not just over political or military issues, but also over major and longstanding cultural, ideological and religious differences between East and West.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
December newspapers are always full of reviews of the year's major happenings. But more important than natural disasters and even the cruel damage done by terrorist groups is a crucial factor that the world's media almost always overlooks—namely the seismic shift that has taken place in our moral standards.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Top Western leaders are under severe attack by the world's media. It is but another baleful sign of the times. This article assesses the prophetic meaning for our future.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
British Prime Minister Tony Blair stunned everybody with his dramatic U-turn April 19 announcing a referendum on the proposed new EU constitution, responding to fears that the proposed legislation would make Britain an offshore province of a European superstate. Which way will the British vote? What will be the consequences for the special relationship with the United States?
  • by Darris McNeely
Is a chemical bomb the next weapon of choice that al-Qaeda groups will use on the United States, the United Kingdom and continental Europe? There are strong indications that it is! Specialized al-Qaeda training camps turned out multiple hundreds of terrorists capable of producing such bombs. These people in turn trained even more in the chemistry of killing.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Few qualities in human affairs are more important than competent, capable leadership. With 10 nations joining the European Union (EU) on May 1, which nation or nations will exercise the most control, for good or bad? And even more importantly, who will govern Europe at the close of this age of man?
  • by Darris McNeely
Destiny put you in this place in history in this moment in time, and the task is yours to do.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
While the United States is focused on its war on terror and conflict with Iraq, new threats continue to emerge of which Americans are largely oblivious.