United Church of God


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Total results: 49167.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
The wise writer of the book of Ecclesiastes noted that for all toil and every skillful work, a man is envied (Ecclesiastes 4:4).
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
1 Corinthians 13 says that agape love does not envy. This sermon brings out three strategies for combatting envy in our lives.
Compass Check
by Sydney L Hawkins
“Who does she think she is?” I thought angrily. I was looking through a friend’s endless smiling photos with my crush on Facebook. I went to another friend’s page, where I saw that he was currently enjoying a wonderful and exotic trip out...
Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion
by United Church of God
When God formed our first human parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, they were part of a created order that was "very good" (Genesis 1:31). Clearly they were not bent on evil.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
God's spirit adds something to your life called Prautes. English words you could use to try to convey the meaning of Prautes might include: gentleness, acceptance, submission, humility, calm. However, none of these words conveys the full...
United News
by Robert H Berendt
Immanuel Kant wrote that the natural state of man is war. Jesus Christ, however, wants us to learn the way of peace. What does it take to overcome our natural state and become peacemakers?
Good News
by Gary Petty
You may not realize it, but your life is likely going in a very different direction than God intended. Yet your Creator wants to heal the damaged aspects of your life and lead you to a more fulfilling way of living. First, though, you have...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Darris McNeely
A recent book puts forth an intriguing idea that the ancient gods of the pagan world have returned to haunt our modern societies. Have the pagan deities returned? Or could it be something else, something most do not understand?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Steve Myers
The devil is much wilier and may be much closer than you think. The Bible reveals that he deceives the whole world—meaning he has even duped churches and religious figures. How is this possible? Could you be deceived too?
by Cecil Maranville
As the jarring accusations, arguments and harangues between political parties and their chosen candidates continue at full-throated volume in the U.S. election races, I have been reflecting on why the positive traits of character are so...
by Howard Davis
Is there any admirable trait which characterizes God that most people would accept? Certainly love must be that universally acclaimed divine trait. But is that the way religions really define God in practice?
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
How much are you allowing God to use you?
Good News
by Good News
Eighteenth-century British economist Adam Smith (1723-90) first wrote of the connection between freedom and national economic success. In his monumental work An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, published in 1776...
Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
by United Church of God
Why does man reject the God of the Bible and the divine laws that define His standards?
United News
by Cecil Maranville
"Have you repented of your sins and accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?" Most will immediately recognize these words as part of our baptismal ceremony. Repentance is an essential prerequisite to becoming a Christian. But what do...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
What’s behind the conflict, racism, violence and war in the world? Why can’t people get along? Discover the primary cause of evil.
Beyond Today
by Katherine Rowland
In today’s world of instant communication so many seem bent on provoking others with emotionally charged language, but the Bible shows a better way.
