United Church of God


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Total results: 49289.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Steve Myers
Why not ignore the little things. Does it matter?
United News
by Rex Sexton
Being a father as our Creator intended is wonderful and rewarding, however, it is not easy.
Beyond Today
by Janet Treadway
The emotional pain inflicted on us by others can be far worse than the physical wounds we experience. What is the right ointment for wounded hearts?
Good News
by Janet Treadway
The emotional pain inflicted on us by others can be far worse than the physical wounds we experience. What is the right ointment for wounded hearts?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
While grace includes God’s undeserved forgiveness and favor toward humanity, there is considerably more you can learn about it. 
United News
by Scott Ashley
We are to transform our lives so that we become like our Master and Rabbi, Jesus Christ. We are not just to learn from Him; we are to become like Him in every way.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Gary Petty
Punishment is as important as it is misunderstood. Find the truth to discipline in this episode of BT Daily.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
What kind of a “living stone” are you? A pretty, rounded, river rock from a mountain stream? Or a rough, jagged, grey piece of stone from the rock-slide at the side of the freeway?
Beyond Today
by Janet Treadway
The examples of Saddam and Joseph teach us the importance of sowing what you want to reap.
Vertical Thought
by Mario Seiglie
Evolutionists have a hard time explaining how the woodpecker's magnificent features all evolved at just the right time so the bird could survive.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Peter Eddington
Recent archaeological findings regarding an altar and curse tablet corroborate the Bible’s record of the Israelites’ entry into the Holy Land as a people in covenant with God.
by Jeff Richards
Central Oregon
Why is it that we can overcome some sin while others seem to be attached by a rubber band? No matter how hard we work to get rid of some things they come back. How do you break the cycle of sin that continually plagues our lives? If you...
