Acts for Today's Disciples: Part 9

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Acts for Today's Disciples

Part 9

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Acts for Today's Disciples: Part 9

MP4 Video - 1080p (113.21 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (68.28 MB)
MP3 Audio (2.18 MB)

How much are you allowing God to use you?


[Darris McNeely] I wanna start with a statement by a gentleman who had spent a whole lifetime serving God and felt God had used him in many great ways, but he made a comment near the end of his life, he said, "I wonder how much more God could have done with me or through me had I got myself out of the way."

I thought about that recently in going through the book of Acts and teaching it again to students. When the Apostle Peter made a statement in the book of Acts 11:17, as he was talking about the opening of the door of faith to the Gentiles, he had just been to the home of Cornelius in Caesarea and God had shown very clearly and dynamically to Peter that the Gentiles and all the other nations were now part of the promises to Abraham, and they could be a part of the church and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

And Peter had to explain this to some of his fellow Jews back in Jerusalem. And as he recounted the whole story, he came down to this line, and he said, "If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ," as the gift of the Holy Spirit, "who was I that I could withstand God?" Now Peter saw clear fruits and evidence that Cornelius and his household were full members of the Church, the gift of the Holy Spirit was upon them. Peter said, "It was there, evident in front of my eyes, who was I to withstand God?" Peter got out of the way. And he let God work through him in a very powerful way in this particular story.

And once Peter said this to his friends back in Jerusalem, they accepted it and they said, "God then has granted to the Gentiles repentance to life." Where do we stand at times that might prevent God from working in our lives or using us as an instrument and a benefit to other people in their lives? Do we withstand God by our sins, by our attitude, by our envy, by our jealousy, by our attitudes, our ambitions? What might it be that's a part of our life or nature that keeps God and His spirit from working through us to accomplish His will and purpose not only in our own lives again, but in his church, and among his disciples, and in the world at large and people that we interact with?

If we can get ourselves out of the way, if we can yield ourselves to God, if we can let God work with us and carve away some of our own human nature and let God's nature, the very nature of Jesus Christ, guide and work through us, then we're not going to be guilty of withstanding God when it comes to the works of our own lives. It's a very important lesson, I think, for a disciple to have, as we consider God acting in our lives as His disciples.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.


  • jerry biles
    How can I get myself out of the way? thank you jerry
  • mbraun
    Hi Jerry, This is a great question, and one we should all ask ourselves. I believe some hints or pointers were indicated in Darris' message. Let me try to be specific. In prayer, I try to personally ask God, "Show me what you want me to do," "Show me what I am doing that displeases You." Ultimately God will have His way regardless of what our decisions are, but He does want us to have humble hearts of obedience. Studying His Word while praying to Him at the same time ("Father, how does this apply to me? ") helps. Sometimes inserting our name to the verses we read can make them so much more applicable. I think a main area we "get in the way" is by trying to resist God's will. He makes His will apparent to us through His Word in many ways - as we read it, as it is expounded on by His true servants, as God's Spirit leads us to do things that are right. Do we resist correction from its various sources? We all need to have the attitude of the prophet Jeremiah in admitting our weaknesses and asking God to show us where we fall short (Jeremiah 10:23-24).
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