Are You Thankful for Healthcare?

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Are You Thankful for Healthcare?

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Are You Thankful for Healthcare?

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MP3 Audio (1.45 MB)

Although it is hotly debated, healthcare in America is there for those who need it and millions benefit from it every day.


[Darris McNeely] In America, healthcare is a big issue right now. A few years ago we had the passage of what is called Obamacare Universal Healthcare. Now, with the election season heating up, candidates are talking about free healthcare for everyone, universal healthcare and it's still a big topic and a big item in America. People wonder and fear what will happen and what changes might take place.

I recently had an experience with healthcare when one of my family members broke a hip. We had to go to the emergency room, we had to go through admitting, we had to go through the day of waiting and surgery and everything else. And here's what I learned. Healthcare in America is pretty good. It's better than pretty good, it's very good. And despite costs, despite some real problems that may be there, did you know that anyone who shows up at an emergency room at a hospital in America cannot be denied treatment?

Now, in the case of my family member, we have Medicare and social insurance in that way. But where we were we received very good care and very good treatment. In fact, I was very pleased with the care of the nurses that were taking care of my mother-in-law. I have to take my hat off to those who feel a calling to healthcare, doctors, nurses, aides, and all who work there to watch them work with people. The care, the compassion, the attention that they can give there is certainly a gift that they have.

And I think that regardless of all the issues and the debate about healthcare, when we have to experience it, when we need it, let's be glad that it is there. And in America, we have the best healthcare system that can be made available to so many even with all the other problems that might be there that certainly can lend time for improvements.

I went back to Luke 10, The Parable of the Good Samaritan after my hospital experience recently. And I read about that Good Samaritan who did stop with the injured person on the road and helped them and poured oil on their wounds, bound them up, took them to an inn, cared for them, left money for their future care and then went on his way, care, compassion, help. Those who have those gifts, those who practice those within the professional, medical arts, they deserve our thanks and appreciation. Let's be grateful for what we have in that way. Let's take care of our health. But when we need that help, let's be glad that we have the facilities to go to and get the care that we do need.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.


  • Maeboo
    There are 1000's of people harmed by Medical Devices and denied any standard of care. We need people of God to listen to us. Walk with us through this nightmare we are being forced into. listen to those that are harmed. Support them assist them daily.
  • Rick Berendt
    Thank you BT daily for rising well above the political debate to something so much more important - to express a positive Christian appreciation for the good deeds and good work of healthcare workers for people in need! And as people we will all be in need at some point.
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