Exodus: Gods and Kings

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Gods and Kings

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Exodus: Gods and Kings

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Hollywood's latest Bible epic is set for release. How will it handle the story of Moses and Israel leaving Egypt?


[Darris McNeely] The latest Bible epic from Hollywood – dealing, once again, with a biblical topic and theme, that film coming out tonight – actually tomorrow – is Exodus: Gods and Kings.  It's the story of Exodus retold with better graphics and for a new audience. We're all familiar with the ageless movie The Ten Commandments that starred Charlton Heston as Moses. For many of us, for years, that's the mental image we have of Moses. Maybe by the time this movie comes out we'll replace that with Christian Bale and his portrayal of Moses. I'll be going to see a preview of it tonight and then come back and do another BT Daily tomorrow on my impressions of how Hollywood has treated the story of Moses, the children of Israel, the exodus out of Egypt as told within the Bible. It's going to be interesting to see how this one's done. Many of you will remember that we saw Noah several months ago when that movie came out, and the depiction of the story of the Genesis flood – and frankly, how awful that one was handled. I'm hopeful that this one is done better. Some of the reviews may give us ideas that give us a little bit of hope – we'll see. We'll come back and find out.

One of the things that I have noted about the retreatment that Hollywood has made as they have seemingly discovered the Bible as a new topic, which is really not new, for them to do movies about – but they start out by treating the Bible as a myth. That's what happened with Noah. And there's not a reverence, there's not a respect for the Bible as the word of God, and that comes through in the screenplay, the way it's written and the way that it is portrayed. So we'll see what happens with Exodus: Gods and Kings, and the depiction of this great story from the Bible, this very important story that holds a great deal of truth in terms of our lives and understanding the great purpose God's working out. I'll be going to see it tonight, come back tomorrow and do another daily on that and give you my review.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.