I Love Jesus But Not Church

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I Love Jesus But Not Church

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I Love Jesus But Not Church

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Can your love and loyalty to Jesus Christ exist without Church?


[Darris McNeely] I ran across some research recently by the Barna Institute about people and their attitudes about religion, spirituality, and the church. And part of what they were researching came up with this phrase that people say, "I love Jesus, but not church." And I looked at that and I thought about it, and I said, "How can you love Jesus, but not church?" Now I understand that people can be upset, disillusioned with traditional churches, organized religion for any number of reasons, I get that. You know, I've been a pastor for a number of years, and I understand church life and churches, but to say that you love Jesus, but not the church, and to try and put a cross or an "X" through that, you can't do it. I'll tell you why, because in the book of Ephesians 1, God describes the purpose for the church through the Apostle Paul and He brings it down in Ephesians 1:20-23, a well known passage, but very important, because it speaks of Jesus Christ and it says, "He has put all things under his feet and gave him," Christ, or Jesus, "to be head over all things to the church. Jesus is the head of the church," he says, "which is his body, the fullness of him, who fills all in all."

It's a contradiction. You can't say, "I love Jesus, but not the church." It betrays a misunderstanding about what the Bible says, about what really the church is and who the head of the church is. Christ is the head of the church. Look at it this way, I understand your disillusionment perhaps with organized churches, but look at whatever church is on your corner, and look at that as a church with a little "c," but the Bible, the book of Ephesians, talks about a different church. It's a spiritual body, Christ is the head, and it's a church with a capital "C." Look at it from that perspective, study your Bible, see what it says. I guarantee you'll come out with a different point-of-view.

That's BT Daily, join us next time.


  • StoneTree SIGNS
    Dear MaryAnn, I am so happy to hear that you enjoy the literature that UCG has available, but I am saddened that your visits have left you feeling unwelcome. I have been a member of UCG for over 20 years, and grew up in Worldwide in the late 70s and eighties. I wanted to tell you to not give up! As a minister told me one time, everyone in church are at different levels of understanding, and each person has different abilities. I have felt the same at times, especially when visiting different areas. I think people get in their comfort zones, and can find it difficult to come forward and make that effort to be extra friendly. Please try again! Keep in mind.... the more you try to follow God, the more difficulties Satan will throw at you. He wants you to be discouraged! Fellowship with those of like mind is irreplaceable, and can be a huge comfort. Don’t let Satan steal this from you. I know that YOU know how difficult it can be to do the right thing, how much easier it is to follow the wide road... you know it’s hard to be “different” from everyone around you. My advice? Go back! And try to go every week! It takes time to foster good relationships! Prayers, Michele
  • Cool nanny
    This is an interesting perspective. You see I am in a dilemma. I am 66 yrs young, I do not have my own transportation, and I am surrounded by numerous churches that are mindboggling. I attended a church that UCG referred me to several years ago that is quite far. I felt so unwelcome. I went 2 or 3 times and each time I was out of place. I have not found a church to attend, so Jesus and I, fellowship. He speaks to my heart and I praise and worship Him every day. I hit my knees and pray 2 to 3 times every day. I study my Bible every day. But it would be nice to have friends who are like-minded. I guess I've been looking for the elusive Church that Jesus built. I always ask God to help me find a church and I have hope that I will. I love UCG you have been a blessing to me. I have all the study guides you offer and read them all. I love Jesus and I love His Church. I consider myself a Judeo-Christian but do not subscribe to any particular denomination. Thank you and God bless you and the work you do. MaryAnn Bower.
  • B. H. Baskin
    Hi Mary Ann! I have felt that way when attending some UCG areas over the years. I didn't let it stop me attending. I just step out of my comfort zone and open my (big) mouth and slowly get to know them. You should go back and express yourself to the minister or a member you feel comfortable talking to. Nothing replaces face to face fellowship. We love you!
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