Life's Detours: Part 6

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Life's Detours

Part 6

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Life's Detours: Part 6

MP4 Video - 1080p (78.6 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (47.4 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.54 MB)

Through life's detours, God wants us to learn to depend on Him.


[Steve Myers] Life's detours certainly happen. So how do we handle that?

We certainly have to look to God because when something comes up without warning, sometimes that's the way a detour is, when you're driving down the road. Sometimes we don't know how long that detour will be. It might be a couple of blocks. It might be miles. The road could actually be rough. It could be winding all over.

But one important thing to remember, when you get off the main road, when you're taking on a detour, it seems like sometimes the most beautiful scenery is to be found. It's not on the interstate. It's getting off that Interstate, getting off, and seeing the beauty that can be out there that you might just normally whiz right by. And, of course, when you do get back on the main road, you get through that detour in life, the road's smooth again. It's nice. You can appreciate the highway when you've been through those difficulties.

And even if those things may be appearing to be difficult, don't forget that God can use these detours for a purpose. Remember that God promises that. God promises to always be with us. And, of course, just remember, like a detour on the highway, a detour in our life can mean some similar kinds of things in a spiritual kind of way.

What happens on a detour? Well, oftentimes, new roads are being built or old roads are being repaired, they're being fixed. They're making it better. And so, life's detours and those circumstances that we face will ultimately lead our feet to a better path, a more wonderful way. And so, let's be sure we see God's hand in the detour and move forward in faith.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.