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MP4 Video - 720p (70.21 MB)
MP3 Audio (1010.14 KB)



MP4 Video - 720p (70.21 MB)
MP3 Audio (1010.14 KB)

This Thanksgiving it's time to put our lives in perspective and remember the great things God has done for each of us.



[Steve Myers] I was reading a passage in the Psalms, and it reminded me of this season that we're in right now, the Thanksgiving season. And this particular passage talks about our dependence on God. It's in Psalm 42.

Psalm 42 is that section that talks about like a deer running through the woods that just wants that drink of water, that has to have that drink of water for sustenance, and is just thirsting so strongly after an energetic run through the forest. And that example should be the way that we need God. We need God, and we need to thirst after Him (Psalm 42:1-3). Now the part that reminded me of Thanksgiving was a little farther down. It's in verse 4 where it says, "When I remember these things, I pour out my soul within me." What am I pouring out my soul about? He says, "I went with them to the house of God" (Psalm 42:4). So God comes into the picture with the need and the desire and the absolute thirst that we have to have for God and His way.

And he says, "With the voice of joy and praise," he says he went before God, "With a multitude that kept a pilgrim feast." Now this pilgrim feast isn't the pilgrim feast that we think of when you think of Thanksgiving. That's a whole different set of pilgrims. This is talking about keeping God's festivals, God's feast days.

But at this Thanksgiving time when we think of pilgrims and we think of turkeys and we think of all of those kinds of things, let's always remember that we need God. We need to be thankful for God, how God provides for us just like He provides for that deer running through the forest, that wonderful, nourishing, refreshing water. God provides for us as well. And so at this Thanksgiving time, let's truly be thankful and remember, remember those things. And let's take some time during this Thanksgiving season to recount those things as we remember God's presence in our life. What better way to truly be thankful.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.