What Does the Bible Say About Immigration?: Part 5

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What Does the Bible Say About Immigration?

Part 5

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What Does the Bible Say About Immigration?: Part 5

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A recent BT Daily series on immigration generates questions.


[Darris McNeely] I recently did a series of Dailys on immigration and what the Bible says. We did four parts on that. And the purpose was to go through various parts of the Bible to explain exactly how the Bible characters, nations, and teaching pertains to immigration. Immigration is a big issue in the world today and especially in the United States right now.

One of our viewers wrote a question to us, and wondering exactly if we are advocating allowing terrorists – specifically, radical Islamic terrorists – to come into the United States, knowing that their intent is to destroy the country. Definitely not. Here’s what this viewer wrote: “I am assuming Beyond Today doesn’t see that the god of Islam is not the God of the Bible and doesn’t see that Islam coming into America is not a problem.” They say, “Islam will not assimilate into America.” Well, no. we are not saying that we should allow terrorists to come in. We do understand that radical Islam has no intention of assimilating in America, Germany, or any other nation to which they go. They are dedicated to the overthrow of civilization as anyone knows it today, the imposition of sharia law, and restoration of a caliphate. And they are intent on doing that exactly.

In fact, in our Beyond Today magazine, in many issues in the past, we have covered the fact that what the Koran does say is an advocation of terror or war to advance the cause of Islam. Many feel that Islam is a religion of peace, but unfortunately a lot of people don’t read what the Koran actually says. Last year in Beyond Today magazine, we actually ran a quote from of all places, USA Today, where they were quoting an Islamic convert to Christianity, who had grown up, obviously, a Muslim, and wrote a column in USA Today where they pointed out that Muslims are discovering the fact that the Koran itself commands conflict with non-Islamic cultures and religions. And this quote from USA Today of March 22, 2016, it says, “When everyday Muslims investigate the Koran for themselves, bypassing centuries of tradition and their imam’s interpretations, they are confronted with a reality of violent jihad in the very foundations of their faith.” And there are many passages within the Koran that advocate violence and the establishment of sharia law. It does require that a person understand what it is talking about.

So when we’re talking about immigration here on Beyond Today, and we talk about what the Bible says – we show very clearly in the brief series we did – that there is a humane, practical method by which God advocates immigration and dealing with the strangers who come in in peace. But if strangers came in to upset the peace, to violate the law, and to destroy the borders and the civilization of the Bible lands and peoples, and that applies to today – then any nation, America, Germany, any other country that wants to continue to exist, has every right to control the immigration of any group that comes in to their borders, and especially to prevent those who want to come in advocating violence and the over throw of that particular country.

So that’s BT Daily. Hope that clarifies that particular issue. Join us next time.


  • Christianson
    We should look at the plight and circumstances of those needing our help. And Trust in God to look after those that come forward. Knowing their individual hearts, motives and intensions. For the bigger picture and greater glory of our Father. Romans. C8 v28. Amen Christianson.
  • nkthgreek
    If only those who have no problem with illegal immigration could understand that: Who knows the what the intent of an unvetted immigrant is!
  • daveyboy58
    I'm afraid the people you speak of are the same people that are rioting, scheming and praying President Trump will fail and believe Christianity is the cause of all war in the World; They believe what their spiritual leaders tell them about God and the Bible instead of reading it themselves, and they live there lives blind to the truth about the political leaders they have chosen to follow.
  • Maeboo
    Thank you for this series on immigration. Particularly, at this time. Thank you personally for testing the correct things from the Bible. You and all the other pastors. I love this church and the church family. Truly the real church of God. Thank Father God for his church in Jesus Christ's name! A true light shining in the darkness!
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