What Qualities Would Get You Mentioned in Scripture?

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What Qualities Would Get You Mentioned in Scripture?

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What Qualities Would Get You Mentioned in Scripture?

MP4 Video - 720p (84.47 MB)
MP3 Audio (951.45 KB)

In the Book of Acts Dorcas gives us an example of how to go about getting our name in the Bible.



[Gary Petty] In Acts chapter 9 there is the story of a woman named Dorcas (Acts 9:36-42). Now you think of all the people that are in the Bible and the fact that what do you have to do to get mentioned in the Bible. Well, you have to be really important, do great deeds and maybe go around healing people or give great sermons. And for many people that's how they look at their Christianity. You know, its great deeds that we do that makes us a Christian and exhibits our Christianity.

Well, Dorcas didn't do great deeds, but she has—her story is very important. Dorcas was a woman who simply made clothes for widows, simple act of service. She didn't get any acclaim for it. She just made clothes for people who needed clothing and her congregation. Dorcas died, and the people mourned her. They loved her, how much she'd given to all of them. Peter goes to that congregation and through the power of God's Holy Spirit raises her from the dead, brings her back to life. Now think about that.

When you think of all the great people in the New Testament, Peter, you think of John, you think of Mary, you think of all these people who did great deeds, that God worked through, and none of them were resurrected, physically resurrected when they died. And yet, here's Dorcas who was given a little extra time on this earth. Why? Because of her simple acts of service that helped other people and exhibited the love of God to others.

Next time you think, "Well, I'm not much of a Christian. I'm not doing all of these great acts of service." No, look around. Find the simple person who needs a simple act of love, and in doing so reach out and express God's love to that person in a very personal way. 

That's today's BT Daily.