What's Your Opinion?

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What's Your Opinion?

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What's Your Opinion?

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When we step back and consider, there is only one view that really counts.


[Darris McNeely] How do you view things in life? How do you view things in our world with the news we watch, the events we read about? How is it that you see it? And what's your opinion? Your opinion and my opinion, it really doesn't matter that much when we compare it to what God thinks.

I recently did a couple of BT Dailies after I made a visit to the replica of Noah's Ark in nearby Northern Kentucky. And I made several points out of scriptures about that. And I would like to go back and pick up one additional thought that I had. When you look at the account in Genesis 6:5, which is a key verse right there, let me read it to you and see if you pick up on it as I did. "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. As God looked at the world, that pre-flood world and the conditions of human life, He said that it is evil continually." The thoughts of man's heart was evil continually.

Now, we can read right over that. But look at what he says in the first phrase, "The Lord saw," God saw. It was God's perspective, it was God's opinion, it was God's judgment and that's what counted. He saw human conditions, He saw the world at that time and He knew the hearts of men, and He intervened to actually preserve life on this planet when the whole story is wrapped up in the story about Noah.

Christ said that it will be the same way, "As in the days of Noah so will it be the days leading up to His second coming." And in Matthew 24, Christ pointed us to the story once again. And I think that for you and I, as we look at our world today we may have comfortable lives, we may have wealthy, abundant lives, that's good too. But as we look at our world, as we look at what's going on, let's remember how God saw that world of Noah's time. And as Christ points us to our day, let's remember that it's God's perspective that counts. It's God's view that counts. The Lord saw what conditions were and then He acted. It's not what you and I think, it's not what you and I judge, it's what God judges. And that should cause us to pause and to consider, to recognize that we look at life in this world, and should from the perspective of God, and how does He think about it? "His ways are not our ways," He said in another place. His thoughts are not our thoughts.

We should get our viewpoint and our thoughts more in line with how God sees things. And that would open up an entirely different perspective in our world today. Something to think about.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.


  • JSweeten
    Hope you have a swift recovery! I too appreciate the articles and find them encouraging. We will be keeping you in our prayers.
  • johnnymarcelle2002
    As an inactive member of Jehovah's witnesses due to medical issues, I have been reading your articles on many subjects and find them to be scriptural spot on. I look forward to seeing more of the articles as I recuperate from my illness as they are so uplifting. Thank you all at UCG.
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