Discerning People

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Discerning People

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Discernment is the power of discriminating and judging accurately. The capability to discern is not something we are born with—it must be learned and developed. "Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment," says Proverbs 15:21.

Observing the actions of humans who have the ability to think, but who believe that folly (silliness or weakness of the mind) is fun, almost makes one blush. Many sports fans, for example, seem to give themselves over to folly and act in a state of what seems to be self-imposed frenzy at times. Words like grace, dignity, responsibility and nobleness are not words that describe one who embraces folly.

Adults should set the example—and the more senior the adults, the more correct and perfect their examples need to be. We are a little more ready to excuse the young who rejoice in silly things. But when those with gray hair are acting in the category of folly, we are all embarrassed. Discernment is something we should develop when we are young—the younger, the better.