Narrow and Difficult

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Narrow and Difficult

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People who climb mountains often find themselves on narrow and difficult paths or trails. Others have gone before and made a path, but experience shows that climbing is still fraught with danger. One’s attention has to be focused on the next step he or she is to take. Stones or tree roots can trip a person, and sharp or loose rocks beside the trail could cause a sprained ankle. There are good reasons God has made this path narrow or difficult and confined. Here are a few.

On confined or difficult paths, people tend not to try to pass others but rather help them. Attention has to be given to each step and distractions must be resisted. The difficulty one encounters teaches appreciation toward others who are on that path. Lessons of patience and endurance abound on these paths. One learns to focus on their own troubles and less on those of others. Stopping or falling blocks the path for those behind you, so you try harder to continue. The character God seeks is a result of the narrow and difficult way—it is the only way to eternal life.

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  • Diane Roe

    After reading this, I printed it out. Wonderful article. Such powerful words packed into this tiny space and yet speaks volumes. Thank you.

  • Salvation4mJC

    Yes I must say that was every good. But that is only the first steps​ of a very long road that every few have made, the first was Jesus then the 12 disciples, who learned from Jesus how to walk that narrow path to the Kingdom. Live or walk as Jesus did, LOVE as Jesus did & maybe die as Jesus did, without fear like most people of this world who try to save their life but lose it. And the hardest thing for those that live of this world is to not want anything , most of all money, use it for the things you have to not for the things you want. Flee from IDOLS , you can't have 2 masters, & the last warning is about the FALLING AWAY , those that take the Mark to buy or sell & worship the Image of Beast ( 1 world leader) will go to HELL with the Devil because you didn't believe the Truth from God in the Bible. And a little more help is don't be Vain, you are no better than the poor, only those that go out of their way to dress up for church are only trying to please men not God. God Bless you all from a true believer. And remember if you hate me, you hate Jesus first & if you hate a brother in Christ then you are not walking in the Light , Darkness is the Devil. Look it up in Genesis1:2-5

  • Joe Camerata

    This article stated what has been on my mind for a number of recent months. On a recent hike one of the hikers slipped and tore a thigh muscle. Thankfully he was able to limp out the rest of the distance. Months later the thigh muscle was still swollen and ached. Some if not all of the hikers thought about how we can even stumble while on our spiritual journey. Thank you for posting.

  • Susanm

    What an awesome word! So simple, yet SO impact full! Thank you, I was truly blessed by this... and God bless you and all those whom you care about.

  • Jeff Alsey

    I like the analogy Mr. Berendt!

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