United Church of God

Input Requested: In-Person Services

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Input Requested: In-Person Services

Good Evening Brethren,

At the bottom of this post is a link to a survey. This survey is designed to inform us as to your desire to attend services starting August 1. Since we are still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, there are restrictions in place by The Community House to ensure your safety and those who use The Community House. These guidelines must be followed. If you will, please take time to fill out and submit a survey response, one per household -- even if you plan to wait on attending at this time.

The Chicago Church will have rotating attendance so that all who wish to attend services will have an opportunity. However, since we are limited to 50 attendees per service, your family might not be able to attend each week. Each week those 50 who are scheduled to attend services will be notified prior to the Sabbath that they may attend. Those not receiving such a notification will be placed in a future rotation.

The hall and we as members will work hard to ensure that we have a safe zone for church attendance. We will practice the guidelines set forth for safety. However, there is not a guaranteed method of ensuring that you won’t contract Covid-19. Therefore, it is understood that we all attend at our own risk.

If your household plans to attend, it is important that you give us your name and the names of those in your party so that we can properly plan for your attendance. The survey has, at most, four required questions.

Here are the guidelines as set forth by The Community House or the Illinois Department of Health. By stating that you would like to attend you are agreeing to abide by these guidelines.
      1. We can have 50 in attendance.
      2. We will need to wear masks from the time of entry throughout the pre-service time until service begins. At that time we can remove masks. Masks have to be worn again after service.
      3. Six feet of distancing is requested for people fellowshipping with their masks on inside as well as on the outside patios. They were concerned about mass gatherings of fellowshipping members without masks on the patio. They also don’t want the appearance of a large gathering on the patio.
      4. Age 2 and up will need to wear masks (except during service). They did say that “active play” for children does not require masks. They recommended this be done in their playground area or on the lawn to the East of the building if kids play after services.
      5. Singing will not be allowed during services at the specific request of the facility. They offered humming as an alternative.
      6. No members will have access to the kitchen, so no communal food or drinks will be allowed.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and we will do our best to provide any answers we have. Please continue to keep the situation in your prayers, asking God, through Jesus Christ, that His will be done during these times.

In Service and Love,

Randy D'Alessandro and Andy Duran

Survey Link: https://bit.ly/32o8QiS