Announcement Bulletin for October 21, 2023
Announcement Bulletin for October 21, 2023
Sabbath Thought: Family Legacy
By: Dan Dowd
There are two things that have been on my mind lately, and especially so after the fall Holy Days – one is “family” and the other is “submission.” I believe the two go hand in glove because submission begins in the family, and when both are practiced properly there are great blessings from God. In fact, God said as much to the young nation of Israel before He led them into the Promised Land.
“But you who held fast to the LORD your God are alive today, every one of you. Surely, I have taught you statutes and judgments, just as the LORD my God commanded me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess. Therefore, be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ ‘For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?’ And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this law which I set before you this day? Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren, especially concerning the day you stood before the LORD your God in Horeb, when the LORD said to me, ‘Gather the people to Me, and I will let them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children,’ (Deuteronomy 4:4-10, NKJV).”
Recently my attention was captured concerning the legacy of Jonathan Edwards. He was a famous preacher here in America in the early 1700’s. Mr. Edwards was not only a tireless preacher, was also uncommonly hard-working, intelligent, and a moral man who passed along Biblical principles to his children. He believed Deuteronomy 4:4-10. While it is difficult to pin down hard and fast numbers, among the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards are: more than 100 lawyers; 30 judges; 13 college presidents and more than a hundred professors; 62 physicians; 100 clergymen, missionaries, and theological professors; 80 elected to public office, including 3 mayors, 3 governors, several members of congress, 3 senators, and 1 vice president (Aaron Burr); 60 have attained prominence in authorship or editorial life, with 135 books of merit; 75 army or navy officers; and a comptroller of the U.S. treasury. That is quite a family legacy!
What is your vision (Proverbs 29:18) of the legacy of your family? Is it one of love, harmony, peace and submission along with obedience to God’s instruction? God’s way of life is to be a regular part of our conversations in our family and the legacy that we instill and pass on to our children and their children (Joel 1:3, Deuteronomy 6:6-9). Do we truly believe God and submit one to another (1 Peter 5:5)? – children to parents, the wife to her husband, the husband to Christ? Do we submit to the authority Christ has placed in His Church and to each other in His spiritual body? Do we submit to our “masters” in the world (bosses at work, the police, local government)? Without submission the family breaks down, the society breaks down and God’s Word is discarded. We are to be a light on the hill (Matthew 5:14) so those still uncalled by God will see the example of how to live so that later they will be without excuse (Romans 1:20).
What will be your family legacy?
For the Youth - Bible Trivia:
1. How were Jonathan and Michal related?
*Hint: 1 Samuel 14:49
2. What was Jesus holding when He asked whose image was on it?
*Hint: Matthew 22:16-22
3. What did God use to lead the Israelites through the wilderness by night?
* Hint: Exodus 13:18-22
North Canton Announcements:
- Sabbath Service Time: (October 21st): 2:00 PM
- Next Sabbath: (October 28th): 2:00 PM
- Potluck: On the Sabbath of October 28th, We will be having our annual Post-Feast/ Thanksgiving Potluck. The Meat/Stuffing/Potatoes/Gravy/Noodles/Bread will be provided. We are asking that everyone bring their favorite Thanksgiving sides and desserts. Also, Please send your feast pictures to David Hershberger so that he can have time to put them together for the video presentation. Any questions please contact Debbie Kuhns.
- Marlene Ware: As many of you know, Marlene had a cancerous mass removed from her breast just prior to the Feast. Marlene was just informed today at a follow-up visit that the cancer she has is of a very aggressive form and has already metastasized throughout her body. They briefly discussed the pros and cons of Chemo and Marlene has officially declined any Chemo treatments. Marlene has another follow-up appointment next week to discuss and finalized treatment. Her doctor has informed her that she does have options. Your prayers for Marlene’s comfort and guidance during this recent health trial is greatly appreciated.
- Geri Roberts: Geri suddenly collapsed shortly after dinner earlier this evening. 911 was called and she was taken to the ER. Her vitals are stable and the test did not reveal anything that would cause this sudden episode. Geri has been released and is back home resting. She will be visiting her doctor tomorrow for further test. Your prayers are greatly appreciated at this time.
- Winter Family Weekend: It is time to plan for Winter Family Weekend. Everything will be conveniently held at one location, under one roof! General registration will open this week on Friday, Oct. 20, at Rooms have been contracted for the fantastic rate of $90 per night! As you know it takes the help of many individuals for a program such as Winter Family Weekend. Regardless of what congregation you are from, if you are willing to volunteer in a certain area or simply in general, please be sure to complete the volunteer section of the registration page. We will find a spot for you and appreciate your service to God and the brethren! Watch for further updates at
- UCG-Portsmouth’s Dinner Dance, An Evening Night Under the Sea. Plan to join us for UCG Portsmouth’s annual formal dinner dance this year on Saturday, November 11th.
We’re excited to be able to once again host this event and see everyone come together for a fun evening! This year’s schedule will follow the format: Church services @ 2:30-4:30 - Dinner @ 6:00-7:00 - Dance @ 7:30-10:30.
Church service location: Clark Memorial Library - Shawnee State University 940 2nd Street Portsmouth, Ohio 45662.
Dance location: Shawnee State University Ballroom 940 2nd Street Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 (Ballroom is located on the second floor of the university’s Student Success Center.)
Prices for the dinner are: $15 for ages 12 and up, $9 for ages 6-11 and Free for 5 and under.
For Payment and or Questions? See our Facebook events page: or Reach out to Monica at 740-821-6441 ; or Ashleigh at 740-876-3053 with any questions. Please note: We have an attendance cap at 240 so please register ASAP.
If I’ve overlooked anything, Please let me know ASAP.