Announcement Bulletin for September 9, 2023
Announcement Bulletin for September 9, 2023
Sabbath Thought: The Perfect Church
As I have been preparing for the upcoming Fall Holy Days, a statement I recently heard has been on my mind. That statement was, “We may be in the Church, but are we of the Faith”. It’s one of those - stop and think about it long and hard - statements. It honestly forced me to consider, “Why do I do what I do; Who am I really, deep down in the inner most cambers of my heart where no one but God can see. Am I fighting for family or fighting against my family?”
I share this because we are about to observe and rehearse a major step in the fulfilment of God’s precious Plan of Salvation. A moment we are all waiting for, a moment we should be desiring to share with the household of God, not just a personal goal, but a collective goal.
As I continued to consider that statement and personally studied into this subject, I stumbled across this interesting poem that was just as shocking. I want to share it with you because I found it to be a useful tool, helping me see that wonderful blessing I have at my fingertips.
After reading this poem below, and the previous statement I shared, I ask that we all do a bit of soul searching before these Fall Holy Days begin. It’s my hope that it will help rekindle the Joy of the incredible opportunity we’ve been blessed to participate in as First-Fruits of God. It’s my desire that you too will be reminded of the value of being surrounded by those we have the honor to call brethren.
For the people of God, we are truly blessed to be called out of this evil world and walk hand in hand with others of like minds, as we all strive to overcome, Growing in Grace and Knowledge. That blessing brings us exceeding amounts of joy, especially when we put into practice the Truth that our God and Elder Brother have provided and continues to provide for each one of us.
The Perfect Church
I think that I shall never see, a Church that’s all it ought to be.
A Church whose members never stray, beyond the Straight and Narrow Way.
A Church that has no empty pews, whose preacher never has the blues.
A Church whose Deacons always “deak”, and none are proud, and all are meek.
Where gossips never peddle lies, or make complaints or criticize.
Where all are always sweet and kind, and all to other’s faults are blind.
Such perfect Churches there may be, But none of them are known to me.
But still we’ll work and pray and plan, to make our Church the best we can.
If you can find that perfect Church without one fault or smear,
For goodness sake don’t join that church, you’ll spoil the atmosphere.
If you shall find the perfect Church then don’t you ever dare,
To tread upon such Holy Ground, you’d be a misfit there.
But since no perfect Church exist made of imperfect men.
Let’s cease looking for that Church and Love the one we’re in.
Of course, it's not a perfect Church, that's simple to discern.
But you and I and all of us (under Christ’s leadership and direction) could cause that tide to turn.
For the Youth - Bible Trivia:
1. What was the name of Ruth’s Mother-in-Law?
*Hint: Ruth 1:1-8, 2:11-23
2. Who was told to put a scarlet thread in her window to identify what household would not be destroyed?
*Hint: Joshua 2:1-20, 6:22-25
3. Who killed both a Lion and a Bear when he was just a youth?
* Hint: 1 Samuel 17:32-37
North Canton Announcements:
- Sabbath Service Time (September 9th): 11:00 AM
- Feast of Trumpets: (September 16th): (Combined with Youngstown & Cleveland)
Service Times: Morning Services 10:30 AM & Afternoon Services 2:00 PM
(Offering will be collected
Location: Shady Hollow Country Club 4865 Wales Rd. NW Massillon, Ohio 44646
A catered meal is being offered between services at the facility. The cost of the meal will be $15.00 per person. If you plan on participating in the catered meal, we asked that you sign the list on the information table. We also asked that you sign up and then pay for your meal before September 13th. Due to the facility needing exact numbers, if you have signed up and not paid by September 13th, your name will be removed.
Payment: Checks for the meal are to be written to the United Church of God North Canton and mailed to Debbie Kuhns PO BOX 115 Paris, Ohio 44669
If you may need financial assistance with the meal, please contact Ryan Hall, John Miller, or Freeman Kuhns.
Menu: Chicken Piccata, Baked Cheesy Penne Pasta in Marinara, Chef's Fresh Seasonal Vegetable
House Salad with House-made White French Dressing, Warm rolls House w/Butter, Drinks.
Brethren are asked to bring desserts for after the meal.
Note: No outside food beside the desserts are permitted in the facility.
If you need a Gluten Free meal – please contact Debbie Kuhns no later than September 9th. - Marlene Ware: Marlene will be having surgery Tuesday, September 12 to remove the lump that was found in her breast. The Surgery will take place at Aultman around 7:00 AM. Please pray that the surgery is successful and that she makes a full recovery.
- Debbie Kuhns: Debbie’s treatment (medications) for Lime Disease has begun. We are hope this will help with ridding bacteria, pain, and balance issues. The Kuhns would like to express their appreciation for all the calls, cards, and prayers.
- Atonement: Monday, September 25, 2023 - Service Time: 2:00 PM (Offering will be Collected)
Location: Gateway Conference Center - 5441 Global Gateway North Canton, OH 44320 - Feast of Tabernacles: Saturday 30, 2023 – Friday October 6, 2023 – No Local Services
- 8th Day/Last Great Day: Saturday, October 7, 2023 - No Local Services
- Holy Day Offering Envelopes: Home office is asking the members to please use the pre-addressed green envelopes that were mailed to you earlier this summer. If you did not receive your envelopes or will need to use a blank Holy Day offering envelope, please write your Beyond Today number (begins with a “U”) in the boxes provided just below your name and address. Additionally, if you write a check, please make it payable to “UNITED CHURCH OF GOD, an International Association”, “UNITED CHURCH OF GOD”, or “UCGIA.” Doing so saves much processing time for the home office staff.
- Food Pantry: Tomorrow we will be collecting for and distributing from our Local Food Pantry.
- Monthly Bible Study: The next monthly Zoom Bible study will take place on Thursday, September 14th at 7:30 PM.
Meeting ID: 811 8916 1126 - Passcode: 846092
Join Via Phone: 646-931-3860 Meeting ID: 81189161126# Passcode: *846092# - Lake Geneva Feast Site: Lake Geneva, WI is no longer a closed Feast site. It is now open to anyone willing to stay at the listed housing properties which is either the Timber Ridge Lodge or the Grand Geneva Resort. Our apologies for those who were required to change their first choice and find another Feast site, but the Grand Geneva Resort has just opened up additional meeting space that was not originally available. Anyone who now registers for Lake Geneva will be accepted, but it is based on the requirement to use the properties listed in the Feast brochure or online. See the housing information online at the Lake Geneva webpage. If you need help registering or changing sites, please email or call (970) 484-5878
- UCG-Portsmouth’s Dinner Dance, An Evening Night Under the Sea. Plan to join us for UCG Portsmouth’s annual formal dinner dance this year on Saturday, November 11th.
We’re excited to be able to once again host this event and see everyone come together for a fun evening! This year’s schedule will follow the format: Church services @ 2:30-4:30 - Dinner @ 6:00-7:00 - Dance @ 7:30-10:30.
Church service location: Clark Memorial Library - Shawnee State University 940 2nd Street
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
Dance location: Shawnee State University Ballroom 940 2nd Street Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
(Ballroom is located on the second floor of the university’s Student Success Center.)
Prices for the dinner are: $15 for ages 12 and up, $9 for ages 6-11 and Free for 5 and under.
For Payment and or Questions? See our Facebook events page - or Reach out to Monica at 740-821-6441 ; or Ashleigh at 740-876-3053 with any questions.
Please note: We have an attendance cap at 240 so please register ASAP.
If I’ve overlooked anything, Please let me know ASAP.