United Church of God

Pastor's Corner - April 24th, 2020

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Pastor's Corner - April 24th, 2020

There are times in our lives where we do what we can to ascertain God's will in our lives. 

We know that God desires that we should be sanctified and that we avoid sexual immorality (1 Thessalonians 4:3), we know that He wants us to be thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:18), that he desires all to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4), He desires us to take up our cross and follow Him. (Luke 9:23), He desire that we do good (1 Peter 2:15), that we should be wise in our thoughts, actions, and use of time (Ephesians 5:15-20), He desires that we persevere. (Hebrews 10:36).

God has plans for us, plans to prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11), and want us to have life more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Often we get stuck in decisions, and are uncertain of which direction we should go, or perhaps there are situations in our lives which are incredibly challenging, and God is not answering our prayers in the way we desire that He answer them, and we can wonder whether or not what is happening in our lives is God's will, or if we are exerting our will. Is the door open, or is it closed? Should I open it, or leave it closed?

What does God want me to do here?

We saw the passages above that illustrated God's will for us. He desires we be holy, sanctified, and avoid sexual immorality. He desires us to be thankful, that we repent and turn to Him. Taking up our cross and following Him, becoming His disciple. That we do good to others, exercise wisdom and discernment, and persevere. 

Note - none of these things provide details.

God can bless a person in a variety of circumstances. Some are obvious - God wants us to avoid sexual immorality, therefore, entering into a relationship with someone that violates this is clearly against God's will. He desires that we be thankful - constantly complaining and being unthankful would be against God's will for us. He desires that we do good, so purposefully doing contrary to that would be against His will.

But what about those times where it could go either way? How do you know what God desires? It may be that either scenario would bring blessings, but one might be better and provide a person opportunities to help others. 

Often, in these times, we turn to God and seek His will. 

One of the ways we do that is through fasting.

Fasting helps us to put aside our own desires, the physical needs which we have--food and water, and seek instead God's support and guidance, yielding to the spiritual instead of the physical. God desires that we have an attitude that is appropriate during a fast, that we're not seeking a specific outcome, but instead, focusing on the righteousness of God, on doing good to others, fasting to loose the bonds of wickedness, undoing the heavy burdens, breaking free the yokes. Sharing our blessings with others, seeking to help others. Aligning our mindset to God's mindset... That is the fast that God desires. (Isaiah 58:1-14)

When we seek God in the appropriate attitude, with the appropriate mindset, He hears us, and He answers.

We have an opportunity to fast as a Church this Sabbath. Either the 25th or 26th, specifically for His guidance. For the situation that we face at this time as a nation, and the world. Praying for God's will to be clear, for His discernment, for what He desires us to do. How we might serve Him more effectively at this time. 

But not only that - it provides each and every one of us the opportunity to turn that magnifying glass inward, and focus on asking God to help lead each and every one of us too. That His glory might be magnified through us toward others, that we might do good, help and support others as needed. That we might learn the lessons from this situation and consider the 'new normal' going forward. We have the ability to craft this new normal, and to re-center our lives toward the right priorities.

We all have needed improvement in our relationship with God. This upcoming fast and the COVID-19 pandemic has given us all the chance to examine that which is truly important and to make shifts as we see need.

Brethren, during this weekend's fast, seek God with your whole heart. Truly turn to Him - seek His face. Reflect on His Sabbath, keep it Holy, call it a delight... raise up the foundations of the generations, repair the breaches... restore the streets. Build up the city and strengthen it. 

I pray you have a meaningful fast and that it helps you to draw ever nearer to Almighty God.