United Church of God

Pastor's Corner - June 20th, 2020

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Pastor's Corner - June 20th, 2020

This weekend, the United States commemorates Fathers Day. 

Father's Day was instituted in Spokane, Washington in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd - and was first celebrated at the Spokane YMCA. Her father William was a Civil War veteran, and also a single parent who raised 6 children. Sonora wished to honor him and other Fathers for their contributions to their families. 

As time went on - the day was federalized and has been commemorated now on the third Sunday of June.

Tomorrow - families across the United States will celebrate the father in their life, and the love, guidance, and support that he has provided the family.

Satan the devil is actively working to destroy the family unit. Illicit sex, divorce, addictions, abuse, men's failure to launch, and numerous other interpersonal issues have eroded away the institution of the family, and created a culture in the United States where fathers are frequently portrayed on film and television as bumbling idiots, not the loving protectors and providers God intended. Satan realizes that if he can destroy the one thing that is symbolic of God and the way that God operates - through love, guidance and selfless support - then he can bring wreak incredible havoc.

... and what havoc he has wrought. 

The 2017 census showed that 19.7 children are living without a father in the home. That is more than 1 in 4 youth today in the United States. This fatherlessness impacts children in a number of ways - increased risk of poverty, behavioral issues, increased risk of criminal activity, abuse and neglect, and much more. That isn't to say that a strong maternal presence, and influence in children's lives can't help to stabilize these things, it absolutely can, and it absolutely does... but it speaks to the importance of the role of a Father, and to the love, guidance and support that they provide to a family.

However, even with a male presence in the home, the absence of abuse, neglect, and addictions are not a guarantee. Sadly, a number of families experience these things, even with that person present.

Being a father is so much more than simply creating a child.

...it is what is done in the years that follow, as we shape and develop those children that defines a Father.

We have been provided an incredible example of what a Father is like. God is Love (1 John 4:8, 1 John 3:1), He is merciful (Ephesians 2:4-5), He is compassionate and slow to anger. (Psalm 103:8), He is a righteous Judge (1 Peter 1:17), He forgives (1 John 1:9), He is ever-present (Psalm 46:1), He is giving, Strong, Powerful, Kind... the list goes on.

Fatherhood is a high calling, and a role that reminds us of the characteristics and attributes of God in our lives. As men we certainly are not perfect, but we should be making efforts every day to improve, and to become the husband and father whom God has called us to be. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Sabbath and Father's Day