United Church of God

Inside United Podcast #206: Roy Holladay - Personal History

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Inside United Podcast #206

Roy Holladay - Personal History

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MP3 Audio (52.41 MB)


Inside United Podcast #206: Roy Holladay - Personal History

MP3 Audio (52.41 MB)

Inside United Podcast #206: Roy Holladay - Personal History by United Church of God

Roy Holladay has served a full career for more 50 years as a pastor, Regional Pastor, Council of Elders member, Chairman of the Council of Elders, Ministerial Services Operation Manager and President of the United Church of God.  He shares his remembrances and observations in this podcast with Victor Kubik. Mr. Holladay is retired and lives with his wife Norma in Ooltewah, Tennessee.

Send us your questions, comments, or suggestions at podcast@ucg.org.