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We hope you’ll enjoy this second issue of Compass Check. Copies of the first issue of Compass Check were distributed at the five UYC summer camps in June and July, but beginning with this issue, all United teens, ages 12-19, should receive their personal copies in the mail. If you know of any teen in your congregation who does not receive this copy, please have the person e-mail me (see below).

Our lead article is about the upcoming Holy Days of God, written by the gentlemen who actually originated the idea of a magazine written expressly for teens, Roy Holladay. Last winter Mr. Holladay approved the launching of Compass Check magazine, and we value his guiding hand. 

We also have articles that cover a variety of topics, all written with you in mind. We requested input from you at the five summer camps, and one thing that came in loud and clear was to keep our articles written for you as a teen, and we promise to do just that.

I want to know what topics you want covered in Compass Check so e-mail me at compasscheck@ucg.org. We’re here to serve you.

Happy reading, and I hope you have a very profitable Feast of Tabernacles wherever you attend.