United Church of God

Help with time zone conversions

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Help with time zone conversions


We know you're everywhere! And time zone conversions can be a little tricky. Here is a free online tool that can help you to tune in to services at the correct time for your location: https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/

It will automatically detect your local time in the first box. Click the dropdown under the second box to set the time zone you want to convert. (It likely says San Francisco unless you've been to this page before.) Type CDT and hit Enter if you're wanting to watch services from Panama City Beach, Florida. Type MDT and hit Enter if you're wanting to watch services from St. George, Utah.

Above that dropdown you just changed, set the time of services that you want to convert. Your local time (the first box) will update to tell you the correct time to tune in to the webcast. For example, if you are in London, England and want to watch 10:00am services in Panama City Beach, set the second boxes to 10:00am and CDT. The time zone converter will tell you to tune in at 4:00pm local time.

We hope this helps you to connect and join your brethren in celebrating the Feast!